Comments on: Turn your mind maps into real-time editable outlines All you need to know about mind mapping Mon, 28 Mar 2022 11:40:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick D'Agostino Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:50:17 +0000 In reply to Nick Wright.

I’ve been searching for an answer to this and came across this very old concern. Apparently it was never fixed. When I export a Mindmap, I’d like to be able to see the comments somewhere but they don’t show in any format. Disappointing to see this has never been addressed.

By: Nadina Lupu Fri, 05 May 2017 12:44:07 +0000 In reply to Lisa Lowrey.

Hi, Lisa. The Google Doc export should keep the updated formatting. Can you please give us the links to the mind maps where you encountered difficulties?

By: Jákup Michaelsen Wed, 22 Feb 2017 07:36:24 +0000 In reply to Nadina Lupu.

Since Mulquatro’s outline feature works almost exactly like WorkFlowy it would make great sense to allow for WorkFlowy import. Alternatively, one could import the opml-exported version of a WorkFlowy outline into Mulquatro. But everytime I try to do that, Mulquatro crashes.

By: Lisa Lowrey Fri, 11 Nov 2016 04:42:02 +0000 When you are editing in outline view is it possible to rearrange the order of the topics, and then have them stay in the new order when you export it?

I have been working with students to use Mulquatro as the beginning of the writing process and the export to a Google Doc to revise and edit. But when they rearrange the order of the bullet points in their outline and then export it to a Google Doc it is reverting back to the original formatting.

By: John Denning Wed, 02 Nov 2016 17:24:44 +0000 In reply to Nadina Lupu.

I find this feature great because I often deal with nested ideas – in fact, I use the outlining view more often than the mindmap view. But can I second Frank that I would really appreciate outlining in your mobile apps? I would use it mainly on a tablet although in fact, for editing a mindmap on a phone with its small screen, outlining view would be just what is needed.

By: Nadina Lupu Thu, 05 Nov 2015 21:30:19 +0000 In reply to Peter.

Hi, Peter. Thank you so, so much for the feedback, we really appreciate it. And yes, we will add your suggestion to our list 🙂

By: Alicia Rodriguez Murcia Thu, 05 Nov 2015 04:20:03 +0000 Hello thank

By: Peter Thu, 05 Nov 2015 02:41:46 +0000 Excellent feature. Thank you for all your great work. Outline is a really easier way to work sometimes. I use outline on my iPhone (Workflowy) because Mulquatro does not exist on iPhone (I understand your strategy because mindmapping sucks on small screens) . Maybe you could now create a simple “mindomo outline for iPhone” app and keep a full featured (mindmap and outline) iPad app. You would then be the best mindmappingg/outline company in the game. Please please Mulquatro team, make us a Workflowy-like app for our smartphone.

By: Nadina Lupu Thu, 05 Nov 2015 02:26:46 +0000 In reply to Jean ALLAIN.

Merci, Jean!

By: Nadina Lupu Thu, 05 Nov 2015 02:26:12 +0000 In reply to Kathy.

Hi, Kathy. Thank you for the suggestion, we will look into it as we still have to develop this new feature.
