BCOM 301 C

Class Activities

Team Projects

Project 1 Rewrite of a past research paper and reviewed by other classmates and revised

Project 2

1 page Exectutive Brief

Reviewed by other classmates and revised

Supported with PowerPoint or Prezi and Diigo

Project 3 Major analytical research paper- 7-13 pages

APA style

Supported by PowerPoint, Prezi or Goggle Site

Google Site allows you to create a free web page using a Google Template

Prezi is best described as a zooming PowerPoint!

Group Class presentation

Many choices to select from

Main intelectual goal- learn about a topic you know little or nothing about!

Reviewed by other class mates and revised

Student lead class discussions with handouts, PowerPoint, Prezi, mind map

My Expectations

In class

Book in class

Laptops in class

OTIF- On time, in full

Web Tools



Free Mind Mapping software




TED Talks




Adult Learning Expectations

You will have choices to make on subjects and actviites

You will bring your past work experences to the table

You will hold yourself accountable to deliver OTIF

Your team mates will hold you accountable

Non performers, the dysfunctional can be fired by team members. That indvidual will most likely fail the course