Leader: Cindy Wong Lina 14013544
Co-Leader: Chua Kai Chen 14070726
Task 14 & 15: Team plan to improve the task completion rate next week
Be prepared beforehand
So everyone contributes to the discussion without needing extra time to think.
Reduces unnecessary wasted time in waiting. This increases likelihood to stay on track with the scheduled plan.
Attend meeting punctually and log on to Mulquatro before the meeting starts to prevent any technical problems.
To ensure our progress moves smoothly and follows according to our Weekly Action Plan (WAP).
Send ideas in the FB chat if the mindomo is not working or the member is unable to attend.
Encourage and motivate each other
Everyone should take the initiative to keep themselves updated with the work especially for those who could not attend the discussion.
Others who attended the discussion would be active in updating and keeping the absent ones updated.
Don't be afraid to seek help from others when you don't understand certain things.
Avoid doing any irrelevant actions while other members are having the discussion in chat.
To keep track of the whole progress and stay focused.
Take down points first when a great idea comes up but it
is not yet the discussion on it. This is so that we don't
mess up the conversation and others do not miss any points in the chat.
All members should not be afraid to voice out their opinions
Every member has different opinions and perspectives.
Everyone should speak out without hesitation to participate in the discussion.
Members should voice up if they feel the progress is too slow.
Dare to disagree and challenge others.
Task 1 & 2: [Weekly Action Plan (WAP)]
Tasks Accountability
(Prioritised list)
Task 1
Group discussion to develop WAP.
Task 3
Understanding the ROS (individually).
Task 2
Updating mind map with WAP.
Tasks 4&6
Group discussion about archetypes, finding out the most expected limit that might happen to the ROS and actions that will be taken to avoid it from happening.
Tasks 5&7
Updating mind map after above discussions.
Task 8
Group discussion to develop group story describing group behaviour using archetypes.
Task 9
Updating mind map after development of group story.
Task 10
Discuss and compare WAP.
Task 11
Updating mind map on percentage of completion
Task 12
Team discussion on usefulness of ROS archetypes, in relation to our group.
Task 13
Updating mind map on discussion findings.
Task 14
Group discussion on methods of improving rate of completion next week.
Task 15
Updating mind map with discussed methods.
Resources/ Time Required
Online meeting for DEPTH everyday for an hour.
Each teammate having a computer and internet access.
19th Jan
1) Meeting
2) Task 2 & 3
3) Online discussion (Mulquatro)
20th Jan
Task 4 to 7
21st Jan
Task 8 to 11
Electing leader and co-leader for Assignment 2
22nd Jan
Task 12 to 15
23rd Jan
1) Check Work
2) Submission
Desired Result
(15%) By Tues 19/01
Task 1
Finished developing WAP
Task 2
Mind map updated with WAP
Task 3
ROS understood by all team members
(30%) By Wed 20/01
Task 4
Discussed Archetypes and ROS.
Found the most expected limit that may happened
to the ROS.
Task 5
Mind map updated on Task 4
Task 6
Discussed Archetypes and ROS. Discovered actions that can be taken to avoid problems.
Task 7
Mind map updated on Task 6.
(30%) By Thurs 21/01
Task 8
Applied archetypes to developed a story of the group's behaviour
Task 9
Mind map updated on Task 8
Task 10
Analysed and compare WAP with actual progress (WAA)
Task 11
Updated completion rate on mind map
Electing leader and co-leader for all assignments
(25%) By Fri 22/01
Task 12
Discussed the usefulness of ROS archetypes
Task 13
Mind map updated on Task 12
Task 14
Discussed the methods of improving completion rate next week.
Task 15
Mind map updated on Task 14
By Sat 23/01
Completion Rate
(In Task 10 & 11)
Task 1 (WAP)
Task 4 (Most expected limits)
Task 6 (Solutions to Task 4)
Task 8 (Group Story)
Task 10 (WAP vs WAA)
Task 12 (ROS Discussion)
Task 14 (Improvements)
Task 3: Understanding ROS
Estee Lee Wan Huey
ROS is a tool to help monitor and evaluate the responsible behavior of a team. ROS consists of 4 archetypes where each archetype has both positive and negative form. A team is working in a responsible manner if they are applying the 4 archetypes in positive form. By using ROS, a team must first plan, evaluate and then improve their responsible behavior.
The positive form of the 4 archetypes are plan for limits, bite the bullet, cooperative partners, and win/win. On the other hand, the negative form of the 4 archetypes are limit to success, shifting the burden, accidental adversaries and escalation.
Emy Tan Huilin
We can view ROS as a reference which can help the team to achieve high performance when group behaviors are aligned to the positive archetypes and also allows us to pinpoint the root problem when the group behavior shows signs of the negative archetypes which will disrupt team performance.
ROS allows us to look at the big picture of the situation.
Eiu Teng
ROS is a system thinking tool that helps in planning, evaluating and improving the responsible behaviour of each team.
ROS is important in a team to facilitate the management of responsible behaviour of the team
ROS can be made up of several connected archetypes which represent the responsible behaviour desired by a team.
These archetypes can be either positive or negative
Er Pei Chin
ROS is a tools to determine the pattern that reflect the responsible behaviors of the team. ROS is used to monitor,evaluate and improve the responsible behavior of the team.
Identify the pattern is important in the planning the responsible behaviors. Producing pattern evaluates the responsible behavior. Understanding the pattern improves the overall performance.
Foo Siang Yi
ROS is reflection tool that helps evaluates and assess the team's responsibility behaviour and pattern. ROS is also a further thinking tool and a guide for the group to face the problems.
In order to perform better as a team, understanding ROS is vital for the team as everybody is on the same page to carry out the task efficiently.
Cindy Wong Lina
It is the generic description of a situation and guides the best situation in which the leader of a team possesses the 4 archetypes in the way he or she operates in handling the team. According to the ROS, a responsible leader is able to apply the 4 archetypes in a group setting, leading the team in achieving shared objectives.
Understanding the ROS and its functions also enables a leader to head a project to completion in a disciplined manner, ensuring each task is completed before moving on to the next.
Chua Kai Chen
To build a strong team, the leader has to know the team behaviours. Different team consists of different behaviour. ROS ease the leader's burden by evaluates and assess the team's responsibility behaviour and pattern. ROS consists of 4 archetypes, a good team leader use to apply wisely on most of the situation.
Knowing the team behaviour is very important during the planning stage. For example, a team member is very good in account, leader should assign that person in doing task that related to account. If the leader can apply it correctly, the whole process can be more effective and efficient.
Foo Juan Win
ROS consists of four archetypes which are win-win, cooperative partners, plan for limit and bite the bullet. If you fulfil the four archetypes, then you may be a successful
Archetypes are not actually negative or positive. The results that these archetypes produce are what you may define as either negative or positive
Emma Yazmeen Yip
ROS acts as an appliance to monitor, analyse and enhance team members on their responsibility behaviour pattern. ROS consist of several archetypes that represent a pattern that tells a story that connects to a particular event. The archetypes are use to evaluate the responsible behaviour of the system.
Loh Yew Foong
ROS is a system that is used to make easier of the management of responsible behaviour. It is very important to manage our responsible behaviour because it is the crucial criterial to become a effective and efficient leader.
Fiona Oon Jing Yuan
ROS is a system thinking model that helps to increase the awareness of the team's responsible behavior to meet the desired responsible behavior by planning ahead and be aware about their action and decision during handling a project.
Task 12 & 13
Working Archetypes
Cooperative Partners
There is no strict hierarchical structure within our group.
Everyone is friendly and understand that all members
are working in this assignment together with the best
intentions. Our team is amazing in being willing to devote the time and effort to produce a great assignment shown as all team members encouraged one another and did not leave even though the discussions dragged on for four hours.
We make all our decisions collectively. If someone was not agreeable, they would voice it out and we would try to compromise.
Investing for success
As our Assignments are allotted different marks according to their weightage by the lecturers, in the arrangement for subsequent leaders and co-leaders, we agreed to have the ones who seem to be able to perform better take the responsibility of being leaders and co-leaders of the assignments with higher marks allotted.
We showed sensitivity in our discussions as we accept that everyone have different opinions and responded tactfully when we have objections or when we wanted to urge a team member. We were fully conscious on the way we talked so that there were no hard feelings to have a cooperative assignment.
Not working Archetypes
Be Your Best
Not everyone is being their best in the assignment as some parties are not as involved in contributing ideas. Doing so, it greatly slows our progress as we have to keep on prompting them to share their input.
Investing for success
It is commendable about the efforts and time we place into making the discussion work but it may not be a sustainable way to work. For example, we would spend 4 hours trying to finish our tasks. However, if this continues for the long run, this would be unsustainable as our health would be affected and we will be mentally exhausted, and may lead us to being unhappy or hold resentment towards the assignment.
Stay on Track
The leaders set our online meeting for DEPTH everyday for an hour but we always exceed that.
We also didn’t manage to stay on track with the WAP we had planned for Thursday's tasks.
Bite the Bullet
Instead of blaming mindomo for not working, members should instead find an alternative solution to work through it, e.g. giving out ideas on the FB chat instead
Noisiest Archetypes
Fixes that Fail
Members not coming prepare for the discussions leads them to being unable to contribute well in the discussion and greatly slows our progress.
Therefore, as some members don't come into the meeting prepared, we waste more time discussing everything from scratch as we go. This had led us into delaying some tasks and holding the discussions for 4+ hours.
The way we fix this issue isn't feasible for the long term and causing a huge waste of time as we have to give those who didn't prepare extra time to come up with ideas.
Those who have prepared beforehand brings up more ideas to contribute to the conversation leading to an unequal contribution. This is not a sustainable way as the people who have prepared beforehand are doing more work and may build resentment against the others.
Task 10 & 11: Percentage of Tasks Completion
compared to the WAP
Task 8 & 9: Group story using archetypes
Task 6 & 7: Actions to avoid the limits during the project
Archetype 7- Shifting the burden
Ensuring everyone is responsible and committed to the completion of the assignment.
Never assume other members will complete your tasks, or take advantage of anyone who would.
Being a good team player. When a member is struggling to complete his or her part of the tasks, pitch in to help complete it to the best standard we can. The mentality of it being "someone else's problem" should never exist in a high performance team.
Archetype 8 - Drifting goals
Ensure everyone is working hard together towards the same agenda
Encouraging and lending a helping hand to team members in completion of tasks.
Constant re-evaluation of our standards for performance to ensure that we are on the right track towards our common goal.
If need be, tweak previously set standards to cater to different situations.
Maximising the scarce time we have. It is key to ensure all tasks are carried out efficiently (setting deadlines, time management) in order to achieve the group's objectives.
Archetype 9- Accidental adversaries
Team members should be open and understand that this is an online discussion, so there might be some miscommunication on accounts.
Talk everything out during the discussion whenever there is the slightest hint of misunderstanding or conflict of opinions.
Task 4 & 5: Expected limits during this project
Archetype 7- Shifting the burden
Unwillingness to put in effort
It is a problem that is prevalent in many groups.
Some team members may be unwilling to put in effort (taking ownership and holding accountability for our own parts) in completing the tasks.
Archetype 8 - Drifting goals
Lowering our goals
Due to the time constraint we always seem to have keep on lowering our standards and eventually just do the minimum to pass
Some team members might be satisfied with just a passing standard.
Archetype 9- Accidental adversaries
Undermining capabilities of a team member on no grounds would create a feeling of indignity and unjust, leading to dissatisfaction of working together in a group.
Miscommunication among team members
A group of 11 for an assignment is considerably large, especially of one consisting of members who do not know each other beforehand. Adding on the fact that online discussion is the main form of communication we use. Without knowing how to properly communicate and convey feelings in our messages, it might seem emotionless and sometimes suggestions might look to others like orders.