4) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors (v1)


GIST(General Idea of Some Thing): Write a console-based program that will allow a user to play Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer.Abstract: The console-based program will (describe what happens, paint a word-picture)


Problem type


What tools or patterns apply? What is the best way to visualize or represent the inputs and outputs for the program?Expression or series of expressions(simple algorithm)Timeline?Collection?Think about the different types of math word problems you "know" how to solve.

Problem type

What do you know?


Factual data about the problem




knouns as data translate to ?________? in code


1) rock

2) paper

3) scissors

game results





rock beats scissors

scissors beats paper

paper beats rock



user's choice


computer's choice

game result


computer's choice

game result

Use case(s)


Narrative of the interaction between the program and the user.As you develop the narrative, be careful with the nouns and verbsthat you use.Verbs represent action-functionNouns represent the things and are converted to variables



Here's where you can put your recipe for your Humanoid Analog Computer(HACr).1) Welcome ...2) Input from the user/player3) Process the input4) Computer generates its choice5) Program identifies a winner6) THE END...

1) Welcome ...

1) Display title of program

2) Display instructions

2) Input: choice from the user/player


description:rock-1, paper-2, scissors-3Please enter one of these number values.1) rock2) paper3) scissors

1) Prompt user for input

2) "Read" user/player input

assume user is entering
a valid input value

3) Process: the input

1) Computer generates its choice

2) Indentify winner

4) Output results

1) Display computer's choice

2) Display win, lose or draw

5) THE END ...

What don't you know?


What other information might help, but is not available today?* How would it help?* How could you obtain it?* Can you work without it?* What are the risks or consequences of not knowing?* Who else might have further information and insight?

randomize computer choice


add a random method?Random rnd = new Random();int computerChoice = rnd.Next(1, 4); // creates a number between 1) rock and 3) scissors


What assumptions are you making?


In identifying the problem and the probability of a solution, what assumptions are you making?Assumptions can sometimes be hard to see or accept. For example, if the "problem" is that sales of a certain product are too low, you may naturally aim to increase sales. You are ''assuming'' that the market demand for this product will continue. But if the demand disappeared overnight in a storm of negative publicity, then the original problem and solution also change. So the problem and logical solution are partly based on an assumption.

user knows how to play RPS

single play-no loop


game can end in a draw

using a traditional die


1 or 2 => Rock3 or 4 => Paper5 or 6 => Scissors

Solution criteria


How will you know when you have solved the problem?* What will a successful solution look like?* How will you filter and assess potential solutions?* How will you verify that the issue has been solved?You might want to return to the solution criteria several times as you develop the definition of the problem.


write no functions

if/else if/else logic only

Root cause analysis


For analytical problems, root cause analysis can help to unravel indirect causes of problems, leading to more effective solutions. One way to do this is to keep asking "Why?" down to five levels, to understand the reasons behind the reasons.

Impact analysis


Impact analysis looks at who is affected by the problem - what the consequences are, rather than the causes.



Six serving men


"Six Serving Men" is based on Rudyard Kipling's poem, which begins:''I keep six honest serving men(They taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and WhenAnd How and Where and Who.''We can profile a problem and perhaps discover more about it by asking structured questions.



Can you find analogies for this problem?The underlying characteristics of a problem can sometimes be clearer when it is taken out of context.

What is it like?

Be the problem


Be the problem is a popular technique for understanding problems. It means developing a character for the problem and describing its nature as if it were a person.




Researching and describing a problem clearly is the foundation for solving it. Solutions based on incomplete research or poor descriptions can often fail to reach the root causes.This Smart Map helps you to research and describe a problem from a number of different angles. It contains a mix of factual information-gathering tools and lateral thinking techniques, to develop perspectives that can point towards solutions.You can use this map individually and in collaboration with others. It is vital to get consensus on the actual problem you are facing, otherwise there may be no consensus on the solution. Putting the descriptions together in one place helps you to explain and agree upon the basis for finding and evaluating solutions.You can delete this topic from the saved map.

Where next?


You can continue to develop this map without the Smart Map wizard by saving it as a normal Mulquatro map.When have a comprehensive description of the problem, you can move towards finding solutions. Consider a brainstorm as a next step, using the Brainstorming Toolbox Smart Map.You can delete this topic from the saved map.