The Role of Emotions in Our Lives


Emotions play an important role in our lives, as they help us to understand how we feel in the different situations we encounter throughout life. Joy: face, our heart rate goes up & we want to jump or hug someone. Regret: eyes, ur body is with out energy & we want to be alone or hug a teddy. Annoyance: hands & legs, heart rate goes up & we want to hide. Wonder: eyes & mouth, heart rate goes up & we stand still.

Emotions help us understand our feelings in different situations

Different emotions have distinct physical and behavioral manifestations


Facial expressions of joy

Increased heart rate and desire to jump or hug someone


Effects on the eyes

Feeling of low energy and desire to be alone or hug a teddy bear


Involvement of the hands and legs

Increased heart rate and inclination to hide



Influence on the eyes and mouth

Increased heart rate and tendency to stand still