Análisis de causa-raiz de baja de ventas de abriguitos de peluche



Bajos ingresos

Bajos ingresos

Pérdida de clientes

Pérdida de clientes

Pérdida de mercado

Pérdida de mercado

Costos altos

Costos altos

Producción lenta

Producción lenta

Producción defectuosa alta

Producción defectuosa alta

Falta de compromiso del personal

Falta de compromiso del personal

Ventas bajas

Ventas bajas

Pérdida del rumbo empresarial

Pérdida del rumbo empresarial



Modelo anticuado

Modelo anticuado

Colores descontinuados

Colores descontinuados

Tela nacional

Tela nacional

Precio de venta alto

Precio de venta alto

Aparición de competidores

Aparición de competidores

Cambio climático

Cambio climático

Marketing deficiente

Marketing deficiente

Máquinas anticuadas

Máquinas anticuadas

Falta de capacitación

Falta de capacitación

Falta de un plan de marketing

Falta de un plan de marketing









Where next?


After saving this map as a regular Mulquatro map, the next steps are:* Review all the symptoms. Is this a complete set? Are they all caused by the same problem, or might some have different origins?* Clarify the causes to make sure they are explicit.* Do the causes actually affect each other in the order shown in your map?* Review causes in their groups, and consider whether any have been omitted, or whether any do not belong where they are* Do some of the root causes appear more than once? Do they have more than one effect? You can represent this in the map by drawing a relationship from a cause to another one. These causes are important, as solving them could lead to a significant change.* If you can fix or eliminate the root causes, does that actually solve the problem, or does it move it somewhere else?Good luck with your investigation!



This Smart Map helps you to find the root cause of a problem or situation, by asking "Why?" to discover the reasons behind the reasons.It might not immediately yield results, but writing down what you do know is a vital step towards understanding and solving problems. You should return to this map several times over a period of days, especially when new evidence is found. Consider using this map collaboratively with others, as they might have different perceptions, ideas and evidence. Or, get your colleagues to create their own copies, then review them together.Don't worry about "getting it right" first time; it is very helpful to identify and eliminate potential causes, to ensure that your eventual diagnosis and solution fit all your findings.