DEV-8168: Update "Paid" tag to "Free trial"



booking page

edit settings


password protect booking page

[account: dev-trial-desktop]

[account: dev-trial-desktop]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

calendar and teams


teams [account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking. shows the correct 'included in free trial'

popup with block of text "included in your free trial. when your trial ends, you wont be able to use this feature unless you upgrade'

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

no popup appearing for a free user on mobile.

times & availability


custom availability

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

fixed start date

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the 'free trial' tag

when clicking on the 'free trial' tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the 'upgrade to use'

when clicking on the 'upgrade to use'

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

fixed end date

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the 'free trial' tag

when clicking on the 'free trial' tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

duration & display

booking duration

booker can choose duation

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking


[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

units per slot

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

appointment types

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

booking form


captcha test

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking, it shows the 'included in free trial'

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking. issue with popup appearing "iuncluded in your free trial.when your trial ends, you wont be able to use this feature unless you upgrade'

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

no popup on iOS for free user

after booking

redirect to specific URL

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking



after new booking made

confirmation email to you

tentative bookings

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

if booking accepted

booking confirmed email to booker

add an action

select action type

select action type

booking declined email to booker

add an action

select action type

select action type

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

"+" has no click option

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

if booking rescheduled

by you

reschedule email to booker

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]


[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

by the booker

reschedule email to you

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
upgrade to activate this action

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

if booking cancelled

by you

reschedule email to booker

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

by the booker

reschedule email to you

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
upgrade to activate this action

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

reminders before the booking

reminder email to booker

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
upgrade to activate this action

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

after appointment ends

add an action

select action type

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

notification that free accounts can only use a limited number of actions. upgrade now.[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

when clicking

calendar events

event location


[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

click on the tag

click on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free] - small U in upgrade, inconsistent with the rest of the tags

[account: dev-free] - small U in upgrade, inconsistent with the rest of the tags

click on the tag - zoom is with small Z unlike the trial version, which has big Z

click on the tag - zoom is with small Z unlike the trial version, which has big Z

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

clicking on tag brings up a modal for integrate zoom account. is this supposed to have the included in free trial modal?

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
the upgrade is lowercase

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

popular notifications

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

reminder email to booker - when clicking on the tag

reminder email to booker - when clicking on the tag

follow up email to booker - when clicking on the tag

follow up email to booker - when clicking on the tag

cant find this on mobile

does not appear on mobile for trial users

does not appear on mobile for free users

styles & appearance

booking page primary color

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

on iOS Safari specifically, the colour on the end goes out of the area its supposed to be in. create a new ticket

on iOS Safari specifically, the colour on the end goes out of the area its supposed to be in. create a new ticket

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

add a footer


[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-trial-Android]

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

bookings for all pages



[account: dev-trial]

no upgrade tag on the export button

no upgrade tag on the export button

when clicking on the export button, there's no tag showing the use that this feature is free trial

when clicking on the export button, there's no tag showing the use that this feature is free trial

[account: dev-trial-Android] no upgrade tag on the export button

[account: dev-trial-Android] no upgrade tag on the export button

[account: dev-free] no 'Upgrade' tag on export button

[account: dev-free] no 'Upgrade' tag on export button

when clicking on the export button

when clicking on the export button

[account: dev-free-Android] no 'Upgrade' tag on export button

[account: dev-free-Android] no 'Upgrade' tag on export button

for free trial users, Kayeligh will make a ticket so they can see the free trial tags.

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
when clicking

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
nothing saying upgrade until the popup modal. Kayleigh said this is ok

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking



integrate with additional services

[account: dev-trial]

[account: dev-trial]


tag is missing unlike for the free version


tag is missing unlike for the free version

the word zoom in the sentence starts with small Z

[account: dev-trial-Android]

zapier - no tag

zapier - no tag

zoom - no tag

zoom - no tag

[account: dev-free]



when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag



when clicking on the tag

when clicking on the tag

zoom is with small letter Z

also here

also here

[account: dev-free-Android]



no tag



no tag

confirmed. no tag
[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

confirmed. no tag.
[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

zoom. no upgrade [account: dev-free-iOS Safari]

zoom: [account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking

zapier: [account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
no upgrade

zapier. [account: dev-free-iOS Safari]
when clicking


team management


invite members to build your team

[account: dev-trial]

no indication on the team management page that this feature is free-trial only

no indication on the team management page that this feature is free-trial only

[account: dev-trial-Android]

no indication on the team management page that this feature is free-trial only

no indication on the team management page that this feature is free-trial only

[account: dev-free]

[account: dev-free]

nothing happens when clicking on the tag, but I think this might be intentional , as the design looks more like the modal windows

[account: dev-free-Android]

[account: dev-free-Android]

nothing happens when clicking on the tag, but I think this might be intentional , as the design looks more like the modal windows

[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]
no tag that it is free trial when you do not have anyone invited to team management yet

when you invite someone to team management, the page has no tag that it is a free trial
[account: dev-trial-iOS Safari]

[account: dev-free-iOS Safari] on the page where no users are invited yet

desired behavior

the tag should say "Free trial" instead of 'Paid'

a tooltip which displays when the user hovers on the tag should say:

"Included in your free trial. When your trial ends, you won't be able to use this feature unless you upgrade."

Update tags in feature modals for extra clarity, from Paid to:

Upgrade to use (on a free account)

Included in free trial (on a trial account)

clicking on a modal should display the updated tag copy

current behavior

Currently, when a user is on a trial, they'll see "Paid" beside features that are part of the paid plan. We want to change this to say "Free trial" so that it's clearer it's included in their free trial.


desktop browser


Android browser


iPhone browser




YCBM feature comparison