作者:Toni Noaker 13 年以前
OLG Ministry Map December 2011
Various roles and activities within a church community are highlighted, emphasizing the coordination and administration of pastoral care, religious education, and ministry efforts. There'
NOT ACTIVE Ministry Coordination Coffee & Donuts Pastoral Care Coordinator OLG Ministry LITURGY Music Ministry Bobbi Lynn Lambert Altar Server Frank Hernandez Church, Liturgy, Scheduling Daniel Villa Religious Education RCIA Livier Delgado Virtus CHISCO( child safety committee of OLG) Religious Ed/Baptism for grade school Infant Baptism Formation Ida Mranda SCHOOL Preschool Cheryl Hunt Scrip Nellie Flower PTC Stacy Ashenfelter School Board Todd Walker Evangelization and Ecumenism Knights of Columbus William Eidenmuller Young Adult Group Teresa Avila Family Life and Community Formation Women of Faith Victoria Price Catholic Men's Fellowship Chris Barnes Youth Ministry, Conformation Tom Baumann Spring Fiesta Joe Magyar Parish Council Nick Maldonado Finance Council Rene Diaz Christian Family Movement Teresa Noone Together in Mission Jim Burschinger Active Older Adults Bridie Ramirez