Main Content


This is a list of the ideas posted on the Facebook page, in order of popularity as defined by the number of 'Like' clicks each one got.

Timelapse of Trench

Google Earth Location/Background

Longer Analysis of Geophysics/Landscape

More on Strategy Decisions/Process


e.g. Coverage of the post-Lunch Strategy meetings.

Post-Ex Work


This would be relatively limited during the main dig - limited to cleaning of small finds, preparation of samples for analysis off-site etc.A dedicated section of the Blog could be left for follow-up work, which would be filled in after the 3-day shoot was completed - Wessex conservation, Enviro' sampling, Dendro, C14 Dates, etc.

Mini Lessons on All Aspects of our Work


Beginners guide to:- Geophysics;- Trowelling Back;- Spotting ancient Field systems within a Landscape;

More Detail on Key Finds


This might include:- Photos;- Laser Scans;- Commentaries of Small Finds;

Interactive Map of Trenches/Geophysics/Landscape with Viewer Suggestions for Strategy.


Could be done quite easily in Google Earth. However, a Standalone plan (showing just the site and envrons rather than a very large area) would be better for security / Landowner privacy.

More Detailed Commentary of Digging Process whilst Watching the Diggers

Biography Interviews with Team Members

Daily Strategy Interviews with Tim Taylor


Update each Morning from the Guv'nor.... Explaining what we're aiming for that day and why we're doing what we're doing.

How to Dig the Perfect Test-Pit


A masterclass from Matt/Tracey etc.

The Time Team Diggers' Guide to.....


Possible guides might include:- Phil's favourite pubs;- Mick's best local archaeology;- Raksha's favourite community projects;- Helen's best finds in a local museum;- Kerry on Wheelbarrows?!;

Digger Interviews about their Trench


This would not be confined to the 'regular' diggers but include our loyal band of local talent.

Helmet/Wrist Mounted TrenchCam

Interviews with Victor and Detail of his Work.

A guide to Phil's 'Trench-speak®'


What does he mean when he barks out "Clean up your loose", "Keep your sections straight" or "I am going to turn the bike around"?

Interviews with Re-enactors and Experimental Archaeology Specialists

360° photographic "Spinnies" of the site


One of our long-serving soundmen, Steve Shearn, makes these superb, fully-panoramic, photographs that you can navigate around. An example is included in the link adjacent to this note.


Victor's Cartoon Corner


Victor illustrates a key archaeological principle with one of his fab cartoons - a bit different from his usual drawings!

Barclay's Bucket - The View From Our Talented Operator's Cab


Could include a selection of his "trick-shots"....

'My Role on Time Team' Interviews

"My Favourite Time Team Dig" Interviews

Bugs & Bits


Looking at plant, seed, flora and fauna from the trenches through our powerful microscope; commentary from environmental archaeologist.Scope for magnifying other things. Perhaps a "Can you guess what it is?" competition - Euww, it's Phil's nostril hair....

"Follow That Digger": Single-Subject Content Stream


Bit like PlayerCam on Sky Sports, following one of the diggers through their trench.



Recipe supplied by our amazing caterers who manage to rustle up gourmet food, in a field, for 50 people.

'Drop-in' BoothCam


A camera set-up for diggers/crew/director/Tim to go and make predictions, updates, personal thoughts about the site at any time.

Interactive Content from Team Members / Specialists


Someone may come in with an interesting small find, lump of pottery, geophysics plot etc. and post a quick question to the viewers about it. The answer could then be revealed 10mins / a couple of hours / a day later.

'Top-Down' Complete View of Site for Bloggers


Labels up Trenches, Finds, Strategy and Personnel Assignments.

Front End


This is the 'static' information that will be included on the front pages of the Blog, from the very start.



Obviously, this will have to be relatively coarse, for site integrity during the shoot. Detail will also be dependent upon Landowner's wishes.

Historic Background


Effectively, answering the "Why are we here?" question.Can be taken straight from the shoot's Project Design.

Aims & Objectives


What are the fundamental questions which need to be answered in the 3 days. Any secondary goals?Can be taken straight from the Project Design.

Further Information


Links to other Sources of Info:- Local Museums;- Publsihed Articles/Books;- Local H.E.R.- A list of comparative sites;



This could be an "Also Starring" list with a short 1/2 sentance biog of the people we've brought in as specialists on that particular shoot.

Other Features


These are other content ideas that have been considered.

Countdown Timer?

Viewer Q&A Board

Incident Room Fixed Webcam


Post-Shoot Section


There could be a final part of the blog that is left open for items which require further post-ex work. This could be cleaning/conservation, C14 dates, Dendro work etc.

Possible Technologies


Possible software platforms for the blog and content.



The basic platform for the blog, which will have the front end information and allows for uploading of content such as video, photos and text. Can have links to the other content sites such as CoverIt Live, Mulquatro, etc. and any webcam feeds.

CoverIt Live


A blogging platform designed for continual coverage of live events, has ability to accept photos, film and text, in a continuous, updating, scrollable window.




This could be used to set-up a 'road map' of the content, with links direct to the individual uploaded items. If you were to miss a large part of the dig, or came to it late-on, this may help to navigate through all the material - especially if the site has been particularly productive.

This is a summary of ideas planned for inclusion in the Live Blog which we hope to run during filming of the 2012 series of episodes, later this year. Please feel free to add other ideas to the diagram and contribute useful images, links or notes to any of the existing subjects. Any information or ideas on the technical side can be added to the topic at the bottom, whilst examples of other archaeology blogs (good or bad) can be added to the floating group, bottom-left. You can zoom in and out using the slide-bar at the bottom right of the screen, and any icons next to the subjects indicates extra notes or links to related websites.
Regards, The TT Digital Team.

Other Blogs

Thames Discovery Program


A blogging platform designed for continual coverage of live events, has ability to accept photos, film and text, in a continuous, updating window.

Dirt Brothers
