Kategorier: Alle - onboarding - commission - customers - issues

af Nawaf Abalkhail 1 år siden


Key Account & Partnership Department

The document outlines various tasks and objectives related to sales operations and customer management. It emphasizes the need to address system issues, such as fixing account authority and preparing necessary links for different projects.

Key Account & Partnership Department


to prepare list of erb

fix my laptop to work out the office

Customer under old sales ID ( old KAM) need to meagre to be under current sales ID.

Create a list of Pending Merchant ( uncompleted registration ) to support them to onboarding. ( ala)

Create a list of customers with a Big portfolio ( hug installed terminals , hug transactions ) to transform it to Key account.( eng ala)

list all competitors in the market with ala

send daily follow up email to the team

Ghazi to prepare link for alraida and i will call khaild to give him the info

Fix MMS Account authority to manager ( MMS not ready ) Eng.Ala Sap HR, C4C for pipeline and Sap on hold , Uacadmy on hold from hr till oct 2023

All systems with issues ( Ala)

Each RM will prepare a portfolio

Contact Natcom ( Hikmat Mahmoud)

there is email from anas on sep 7 ( FW: SalesBuzz Customers)

wafting to have clarity on the approach

Key Account & Partnership Department


Create a working mechanism for merchants to request retail devices through the MMS system.

there is email from hanadi on sep 7 ( FW: MMS update)


Im working with Eng. Ala to enhance the current report and create new ( on going )


Team Vacation balance with alanoud
fix team titles

Eng. Ala (Business Intelligence Manager

to be discussed with HR

and create new roles for new joining

i need to start creating JD for this new title / position

Fix the reporting line in system for the team

what is the job of key account and what is the job of partnershim manager and what is the KPI

2024 manpower Plan
Enhance JD for Relationship managers
Department Restructure

no change at this point till i develop the department and have better understanding of all functions


Training with Hadi Yousef in HR

Hire new relationship managers (3)

Started to interview candidate

Target and sales

Add your text
Enhance merchet satisfaction
Customers ask for Special rate !
Gain Complete visibility
Visibility on Sales reporting
Achieve the sales target
Explore opportunity in the market

Find out what are the untapped areas in the segment or market

Understand the current sales potion

create market segmentation

Get portfolio analysis from each RM

info requested from ala and the team

Optimize the sales team

set merchect and transaction target for each RM

Understand the biggest reason for churn

Each RM should have a pipeline

Find a pipeline management system

Find abnormal variance in sales performance and address it.

Create Commission Plan *

With Finance department ( Mohammed barbar )

i talked to sara and i need to make the base of the comision plan ( new account , current accounts , number of new account , what amount per month and why

+ is it better to make it qurter base or monthly base

+ for non key account manager what is the sceam

i have 2 files for sales 2022 and 2023 and plan for commission for review and approval