Mere som dette
This visually striking template helps you organize tasks across various stages, including New Task, Assigned, In Progress, On Hold, For Review, Testing, and Done. Start by placing your tasks in the appropriate columns and move them through each stage as they progress. This clear and structured approach allows you to track task status, manage workflows, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Ideal for personal projects, team collaborations, and workflow management, this Kanban board provides an effective way to keep your tasks organized and on track.
Drag and drop your tasks from the previous column here when you are done.
You can create more columns with additional steps and customize them for your needs.
Drag and drop your tasks from the previous column here when they are ready to be tested.
Drag and drop your tasks from the previous column here when they are ready for a review.
Drag and drop your tasks from the previous column here if the assigned person stopped working on these tasks.
Drag and drop your tasks from the previous column here when someone started to work on them.
Your tasks have a predefined path in this kanban board, that starts with the initial stage of creating them.
Each column represents the present stage of their progress.
Add your task here.
Mind maps hjælper dig med at brainstorme, etablere relationer mellem begreber, organisere og generere ideer.
Mind map-skabeloner er dog en nemmere måde at komme i gang på, da de er rammer, der indeholder information om et specifikt emne med vejledende instruktioner. I bund og grund sikrer mind map-skabeloner den struktur, der kombinerer alle elementerne i et specifikt emne og fungerer som udgangspunkt for dit personlige mind map. De er en ressource, der giver en praktisk løsning til at lave et mind map om et bestemt emne, enten til erhverv eller uddannelse.
Mulquatro giver dig smarte mind map-skabeloner, der gør det muligt for dig at fungere og tænke ubesværet.
Beskrivende emner
Emner med baggrundstekst
Fjernelse af skabelondata
Du kan vælge mellem en række mind map-skabeloner fra Mulquatros erhvervs- eller uddannelseskonti, eller du kan lave dine egne mind map-skabeloner fra bunden. Ethvert mind map kan omdannes til et mind map-skabelon-map ved at tilføje yderligere vejledende noter til et af emnerne.