Mere som dette
Using a means-end approach basically means looking at a target, which is the starting point, and figuring out the best way to get from point A to point B by breaking down the list of issues to make them more feasible on a daily basis.
Pinpoint the desired result and describe it in a few lines.
Before taking any actions, add some pre-conditions with a short description that will support you attain the final outcome.
Because any situation has two sides, positive and negative, take into consideration the challenges that may occur while trying to shift from the current situation to the target one. Finally yet importantly, shortly explain your current status.
Where to next?
You can now download your map or Share it with your colleagues.
Name the target outcome
Begin by identifying the target outcome in a few words and press Enter.
For example, you might be aiming to increase production capacity, so this would be your target outcome.
Add a condition before 'Target outcome'
What are the pre-requisites or conditions before you can reach 'Target outcome'?
Add a short description of a condition that must exist before you can reach 'Target outcome'. Remember to observe the constraints that you listed.
What needs to be done before you can reach 'Condition'?
If this position is reachable from the current situation, then you can type in the next action instead.
If 'Condition' is already an action that can be done, then just press Enter.
Example: if 'Trained operators' is an intermediate step, then the pre-requisites could be:
Add a condition or action before 'Condition or action'
What needs to be done before you can reach 'Condition or action'? What are the conditions of reaching this position? If this position is reachable from the current situation, then you can type in the next action instead.
If 'Condition or action' is already an action that can be done, then just press Enter.
What needs to be done before you can reach 'Condition or action'? What are the conditions of reaching this position?
If this position is reachable from the current situation, then you can type in the next action instead.
If 'Condition or action' is already an action that can be done, then just press Enter.
What needs to be done before you can achieve 'Condition or action'?
If 'Condition or action' is already an action that can be done, then just press Enter.
Add a constraint that limits what you can do in moving from the current situation to the target situation.
A constraint may be:
Describe your current situation
Add a line describing where you are now.
Describe the target situation
Add a line describing where you want to be in the future.
Mind maps hjælper dig med at brainstorme, etablere relationer mellem begreber, organisere og generere ideer.
Mind map-skabeloner er dog en nemmere måde at komme i gang på, da de er rammer, der indeholder information om et specifikt emne med vejledende instruktioner. I bund og grund sikrer mind map-skabeloner den struktur, der kombinerer alle elementerne i et specifikt emne og fungerer som udgangspunkt for dit personlige mind map. De er en ressource, der giver en praktisk løsning til at lave et mind map om et bestemt emne, enten til erhverv eller uddannelse.
Mulquatro giver dig smarte mind map-skabeloner, der gør det muligt for dig at fungere og tænke ubesværet.
Beskrivende emner
Emner med baggrundstekst
Fjernelse af skabelondata
Du kan vælge mellem en række mind map-skabeloner fra Mulquatros erhvervs- eller uddannelseskonti, eller du kan lave dine egne mind map-skabeloner fra bunden. Ethvert mind map kan omdannes til et mind map-skabelon-map ved at tilføje yderligere vejledende noter til et af emnerne.