Skabeloner > Projektstyring >

Project organization template

Project organization template

Come up with a project idea that you think would be a success and create a mind map with the main elements that would be necessary for developing the project.

Keywords: project management, project organizing, team project, project tasks, project resources, planning projects

Project organization template

Project organization

Project organization is difficult if you don’t have a well-established plan. You can use this template to organize your project activities and have a better view of the results you are going to achieve by implementing your project idea.

Take into account the period of the project, which will be your team members and project manager, the target group, the location where you will develop the project, and the resources needed (material and financial).

Project name

Type in the name of your project.


What are the locations where this project will take place?



What are the resources you will need for this project?


What are the material resources you will need for this project?


Some examples are:

Seminar materialsVideo cameraBrochuresPostersComputers

What are the financial resources you will need for this project?

Money amount

How much money do you need for this project?


What are the activities that will take place within this project?


Type in the name of an activity or choose from the examples below:

SeminarWorkshopOnline courseResearch activitiesInternational visits

Target group

Who is this project for?

What is the category of people who will benefit from this project?


Who are the people who will work with you on the project?

Team members

What are the other team members?

Type in the name of a team member.


What are the tasks of this team member within the project?

Project manager

Who is the project manager?



How long will this project take?

Hvorfor bruge en Mulquatro mind map-skabelon?

Mind maps hjælper dig med at brainstorme, etablere relationer mellem begreber, organisere og generere ideer.

Mind map-skabeloner er dog en nemmere måde at komme i gang på, da de er rammer, der indeholder information om et specifikt emne med vejledende instruktioner. I bund og grund sikrer mind map-skabeloner den struktur, der kombinerer alle elementerne i et specifikt emne og fungerer som udgangspunkt for dit personlige mind map. De er en ressource, der giver en praktisk løsning til at lave et mind map om et bestemt emne, enten til erhverv eller uddannelse.

Mulquatro giver dig smarte mind map-skabeloner, der gør det muligt for dig at fungere og tænke ubesværet.

En skabelon har forskellige funktioner:

Beskrivende emner

Emner med baggrundstekst


Fjernelse af skabelondata

Du kan vælge mellem en række mind map-skabeloner fra Mulquatros erhvervs- eller uddannelseskonti, eller du kan lave dine egne mind map-skabeloner fra bunden. Ethvert mind map kan omdannes til et mind map-skabelon-map ved at tilføje yderligere vejledende noter til et af emnerne.