von SIAN STANLEY Vor 4 Jahren
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Any patient with possible URTI/LRTI/ Temp or SOB
If COVID suspected then ref to HOT clinic
No age limits for referral to the clinic
Depending on demand and PAH this would be added in in phase 2
Again early appointments would be offered to PAH to be able to book into through the night if appropriate
Can go back to triage list at individual GPs if in hours.
Any of the Five PCN practices triage
Advise patients of central clinic and given instruction on how to attend
Patients wait in car park until clinician is finished
15 min slots with 5 min cleaning
Patient advised ONE problem only and all complex cases that are not Temp/ URTI/LRTI related should be seen in the patients own practice.
HOT clinic run by GP for possible COVID positive patients or known COVID Positive patients.
Stort Valley and villages has an existing Shared IT hub
virtual ward.
Patients are given home pulse oximeters
They are contacted on a daily basis
Any deterioration and they are ref to A&E via covid pathway
If improved Sats monitor is returned and patient discharged from the ward
protocol for admission to hospital followed
If unwell
Low Sats
other concerns
Via Med reg and or COVID pathway
depending on provision
with safety netting advice
Patient seen by ANP/Registrar PA/Paramedic with GP Consultant oversight
Triage by 111 would would have access to the early appointments and be able to book into through the night
Triage by 111 would be double triaged into later slots and ALWAYS double triaged into the hot clinic