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Cornell note-taking method template

Cornell note-taking method template

This note-taking system was invented in the 1940s by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. It encourages you to reflect on your notes by actively summarizing them in your own words. This will help you easily remember information, ultimately helping you to pass your school year easily.

Keywords: note-taking method, learning, summarizing

Cornell note-taking method template

Cornell note-taking method

The Cornell note-taking method was invented by Walter Pauk, who was Cornell University's reading and study center director and professor in the field of developmental education and study skills.

This note-taking system will help you understand information easier.

The template is divided into two columns: one with your actual notes and long sentences from class and the other one where you should extract keywords, anticipated exam questions, and vocabulary words right after finishing the class, while the content taught is still fresh in your mind.

In the end, write a summary from all your notes, with your own words, including keywords from the second column.

Cornell two-column Notes

How to take Cornell Notes?

Cue column

This section should be written soon after class, while you still have a fresh memory of the content taught. In this column, you can add:

This will make the learning and remembering process easier.

Key words
Key questions


Write the summary while reviewing your notes and write it in your own words.

It needs to highlight the main points in your notes, so you can use it as a quick reference area later on.

Notes column

These are the actual notes taken during your class.

Add the key ideas, main points, important people, or places here.

Make sure you use concise sentences, abbreviations, outlines.



Optionally, you can add the date of your class.


Optionally, you can add your class title.

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