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Evaluate the successes, reasons, and processes and think of what went well and what you'd like to repeat on future projects.
Afterwards, think of what could have gone better and identify the areas that need improvement. Consider the challenges, reasons, and processes you can make to prevent all these from happening on the next project.
Once you measured the highs and lows, reconsider the changes you can make, which may include project planning, redefining requirements, technical processes, etc.
The project review analyses the results achieved to date and defines whether or not the project has met the targets set. With this in mind, clearly define the next objectives that will support you in accomplishing the project and add the participants that will contribute to it.
Type in the name of the project that is under review, and press Enter.
Add an aspect or area of the project which is excluded from this review.
Add an aspect or area of the project which is included in this review.
Review the analysis of performance, what went well and what could have gone better and summarise the changes that you will make as a result of this review.
Think about changes to:
Follow up
When will the implementation of the change be followed up?
Add a follow-up date or meeting.
When will the change be implemented?
Add a target date for completion.
Who will implement the change?
Identify the person(s) responsible for implementing this change.
The objectives of the review should be explained to participants and kept in mind during the review.
Add an objective after reviewing your project.
Who should take part in the project review?
Add a participant.
Add an area that could have gone better, and which could be improved in future projects.
What changes could be made to processes and methods to avoid default in future projects?
Think about:
What role did processes play?
Were there any predictors?
Add some notes about the reasons behind the project.
Was it due to:
Add some notes about what went wrong with the project.
Was it:
Add an area that performed well, that the team was proud of and that you would like to repeat on future projects.
What changes could be made to processes and methods to ensure that the success of the project can be repeated in future projects?
Think about:
What role did processes play?
Add indicators that will show how the project will go.
Add some notes about the reasons for the success of the project.
Was it due to:
Add some notes about what went well with the project.
Was it:
Add some information about the quality performance of your project.
Add some information about the risk performance of your project.
Add some information about the impact of change in your project.
Add some information about the performance of deliverables.
Add some information about performance against requirements.
Add some information about the timescale performance of the project.
Add some information about the financial performance of the project.
Add some information about the performance of the communication of the project.
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