Categorías: Todo - relaciones - vergüenza - estatus - emociones

por Raquel Xochitemol Perez hace 4 años


Poder y estatus en las relaciones sociales: Theodore D. Kemper:

El texto explora las dinámicas de poder y estatus en las relaciones sociales, destacando la importancia de los vínculos seguros e inseguros. Los vínculos seguros promueven la cooperación y solidaridad dentro de una sociedad al mantener una distancia social adecuada y fomentar el entendimiento mutuo tanto mental como emocional.

Poder y estatus en las relaciones  sociales: Theodore D. Kemper:

Raquel Xochitemol Perez

Vínculos sociales: seguros e inseguros: Thomas J. Schell

Poder y estatus en las relaciones sociales: Theodore D. Kemper:

The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest are the eight planets, with the remainder being smaller objects, the dwarf planets, and small Solar System bodies.


Estamos dispuestos a conferir estatus
Una persona te confiere estatus
Armonía entre los atributos del otro y nuestros propios estándares
Estatus otorgado

juego relacional de intercambio basado en dar y recibir

emociones negativas o dolorosas
emociones positivas

Cuatro casos que no dan equilibro en las emociones

Insuficiencia de estatus
Insuficiencia de poder
Exceso de estatus
Exceso de poder


Saturn is known most for its rings.

Galileo Galilei first thought it was an object with three parts: a planet and two large moons on either side.
Not knowing he was seeing a planet with rings, the stumped astronomer entered a small drawing — a symbol with one large circle and two smaller ones — in his notebook.

The rings are made of ice and rock and scientists are not yet sure how they formed. The gaseous planet is mostly hydrogen and helium.

Necesidad de otros

How long does it take for Saturn to go around the sun?

Orientado a la satisfacion y deseo, demanda carencia

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Saturn's day measured in Earth days.

Dimensión escalar que refleja la cantidad de voluntad, aprobación o recompensa de los actores


Uranus is an oddball. It has clouds made of hydrogen sulfide, the same chemical that makes rotten eggs smell so foul.

It rotates from east to west like Venus. Its tilt causes extreme seasons that last 20-plus years, and the sun beats down on one pole or the other for 84 Earth-years at a time.

Methane in the atmosphere gives Uranus its blue-green tint. It also has 13 sets of faint rings.

satisfacción de deseos

Uranus has 27 moons that we know of. Five of the moons are large and the rest are much smaller.

Name these 5 moons.

Moon name
Dominación y control de un autor sobre otro

How long does it take for Uranus to go around the sun?

Acciones basadas en la fuerza y amenaza

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Uranus's day measured in Earth days.

How many Earth days
Capacidad para lograr los propios fines

dos emociones basicas de sociabilidad


Alineación Bimodal

Estructura de relaciones


También hay vergüenza en la ansiedad genérica , en los olvidos momentáneos o confusión
Situaciones de ridículo en donde es rebajado en la valoración social
Evoca sentimientos dolorosos , procedentes de una autoevaluación negativa
Vergüenza y orgullo son las emociones sociales básicas
Es la que regula el estado de nuestros lazos sociales
Desaparece nuestra valoración en la autoimagen que nos formamos desde la perspectiva del otro
Cuando nos sentimos rechazados
Cuando nuestro vinculo esta amenazado o inseguro


Earth is a water world, with two-thirds of the planet covered by oceans.

It's the only world known to harbor life.

Earth's atmosphere is rich in nitrogen and oxygen.

Its name originates from 'Die Erde,' the German word for 'the ground.'
Earth may once have had two moons, nowadays it has just one.

Orbit around the Sun

How long does it take for Earth to go around the sun?

How many days
Suicidios Altruistas

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down the Earth's day in hours.

Esta unido íntimamente al grupo
Se exige al individuo lealtad total
Suicidios egoístas
Falta de adecuados lazos sociales
Se da en contextos culturales individualistas

Vínculos Inseguros

Venus is Earth's twin in size and has no moons.
Its surface has various mountains and volcanoes. Because of its thick, toxic atmosphere that's made of sulfuric acid clouds, Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The average temperature on Venus' surface is 900 F (465 C).
Venus spins slowly from east to west, the opposite direction to most of the other planets.

The Greeks believed Venus was two different objects — one in the morning sky and another in the evening. Because it is often brighter than any other object in the sky, Venus has generated many UFO reports.

Puede llegar a la desintegración y al conflicto
Sacrifica parte de su individualidad, pensamientos y creencias
El individuo desaparece absorbido por el grupo
Sea por

How long does it take for Venus to go around the sun?





A muy poca distancia del otro

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Venus's day measured in Earth days.

Demasiada distancia del otro

Vínculos seguros

Mercury is the smallest, only a little bit larger than Earth's moon. Mercury has no moon.

It experiences dramatic changes in its day and night temperatures: Day temperatures can reach a scorching 840 F (450 C), which is hot enough to melt lead. Meanwhile, on the night side, temperatures drop to minus 290 F (minus 180 C).

It also has a very thin atmosphere of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium and can't break-up incoming meteors, so its surface is pockmarked with craters, just like the moon.

Son las fuerzas que mantiene una sociedad unida
Establece la única forma de solidaridad que lleva a la cooperación
Implica mutuo entendimiento

How long does it take for Mercury to go around the sun?

Constituyen un balance

A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis.

Write down Mercury's day measured in Earth days.

Mantener una distancia social adecuada

Our Solar System has eight “official” planets which orbit the Sun.

Each planet is at a different distance from the sun. Name its position.