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How to Write a Summary of a Story

How to Write a Summary of a Story

Learn to establish the main aspects of a story while consolidating the important details that support them.

Keywords: literature, writing, story, summarizing

How to Write a Summary of a Story

Story summary template

With this story summary template, you can establish the main aspects of a story and discuss the main character traits, objectives, problems, effects, and solutions to those problems from the story.


Type in the name of the story or historical event you are planning to summarize.


A solution is found for the problem or challenge.


What was the solution to the problem? Type it in.


Resolution is the part of the story's plot where the main problem is resolved or worked out.


And then what happened?

What is the ending of the story or event? Type it in.


This is the But moment in the story or event, when one or several issues arise, messing up the character's plans.


What is the conflict or problem that has occurred? Type it in.


What's the impact of this issue upon the action of events? Type it in.


What led to this issue? Type it in.


This is the Wanted component in the story and it refers to what your character planned on doing in this story or event.


What are the character's plans? Type them in.


It can be a person, an animal, a monster, a figure, an item, and it is the centerpiece of the entire story.

Who is the main character in the story? Type in his/her name.



What are the traits that best describe the main character? Type them in.

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Los mapas mentales ayudan a realizar lluvias de ideas, establecer relaciones entre conceptos, organizar y generar ideas.

Sin embargo, las modelos de mapas mentales ofrecen una forma más fácil de empezar, ya que son estructuras que contienen información sobre un tema específico con instrucciones orientativas. En esencia, las modelos de mapas mentales garantizan la estructura que combina todos los elementos de un tema específico y sirven como punto de partida para su mapa mental personal. Son un recurso que proporciona una solución práctica para crear un mapa mental sobre un tema concreto, ya sea para los negocios o para la educación.

Mulquatro le ofrece modelos de mapas mentales inteligentes que le permiten funcionar y pensar sin esfuerzo.

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