jonka Gustavo Alberto Sevilla Chevez 2 vuotta sitten
Metric Systems
The metric system is a standardized approach to measurement used globally, featuring units that are based on powers of ten. It includes measurements for length, such as kilometers, meters, and centimeters, each defined by their relation to meters.
SI units that refers to 9.192631770 x 109 in decimal form
Power Prefix Abbreviation Power Prefix Abbreviation
10-18 atto- a 101 deka- da
10-15 femto- f 103 kilo- k
10- 12 pico- p 106 mega- M
10-9 nano- n 109 giga- G
10-6 micro- µ 1012 tera- T
10-3 milli- m 1015 peta- p
10-2 centi- C 1018 exa- E
10-1 deci- d