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CATWOE analysis template

CATWOE analysis template

CATWOE analysis is a checklist for describing a project or situation from a specific point of view.

The best way to use CATWOE for a challenging situation is for the key participants to each prepare their own maps, then compare them to understand the differences.

Keywords: business analysis, CATWOE Analysis, project checklist, key participants

CATWOE analysis template

CATWOE analysis template

Use the CATWOE analysis template to describe a situation from a specific point of view.

Each participant can prepare his own map, then compare it with the other participants.CATWOE stands for customers, actors, transformation process, word view, owners, and environment.

Take into consideration the following things that need to be analyzed:

Customers - people who are affected by the situation

Actors - people who create or deliver the situation

Transformation - the system or process affected by the situation

World view - the wider context for the situation or project

Owners - the people in charge of the situation

Environment - the set of policies, resources, and environmental constraints for the specific situation

Viewpoint by:

Whose particular viewpoint is represented by this map?

Type in the appropriate name and press Enter.


Where to next?

Where to next?

When you have completed your CATWOE analysis of your specific situation or project, you can:

CATWOE Analysis

What is the specific situation or project?
Type in the name of the situation or project that you are analyzing, and press Enter.

World view

The World View (or Weltanschauung) is the wider context for situation or project and it refers to the bigger picture, the strategy behind it, and the reasons for it - all from a specific viewpoint.

Describe the World View and add some data about it that suits the scenario or project.


The Owners of a situation or project are the people in charge, who can authorize, control, direct or influence it.

Describe the Owners and add some information about the role they play in this situation or project.


The Environment is the set of policies, constraints or resources surrounding this specific situation.

Describe the Environment and add some information about it around the situation or project.


The Transformation is the process or system affected by the specific situation.
In many business processes, inputs are transformed to outputs by adding value.

Describe the Transformation and add some information about what the situation represents or delivers.


The Actors are the people who create or deliver the situation or project.
Describe the Actors and add some information about them in the specific situation or project.



Customers (or Clients) are the recipients of the situation or project - the people who are affected by it or its outcomes.

Describe the Customers and add some information about them in the specific situation or project.

Miksi käyttää Mulquatro mind map -mallia?

Mielikarttojen avulla voit ideoida, luoda käsitteiden välisiä suhteita, organisoida ja tuottaa ideoita.

Mielikarttamallit tarjoavat kuitenkin helpomman tavan päästä alkuun, sillä ne ovat kehyksiä, jotka sisältävät tietoa tietystä aiheesta ja ohjaavia ohjeita. Pohjimmiltaan mindmap-mallit varmistavat rakenteen, jossa yhdistyvät kaikki tietyn aiheen elementit ja joka toimii lähtökohtana henkilökohtaiselle mindmapillesi. Ne ovat resurssi, joka tarjoaa käytännöllisen ratkaisun miellekartan luomiseen tietystä aiheesta, joko liike-elämää tai koulutusta varten.

Mulquatro tuo sinulle älykkäitä miellekarttamalleja, joiden avulla voit toimia ja ajatella vaivattomasti.

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Voit valita Mulquatron yritys- tai koulutustileiltä erilaisia miellekarttamalleja, tai voit luoda omia miellekarttamalleja tyhjästä. Mikä tahansa mind map voidaan muuttaa mind map -mallin kartaksi lisäämällä johonkin sen aiheeseen lisää ohjaavia muistiinpanoja.