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This favorite things template is a game for children, which helps them learn more about themselves and about their colleagues.
They will have to interview a few of their colleagues and write down their answers on the map.
At the end of their discussion, they will share with the whole class what they learned about their colleagues. This type of ice breaker can be done in an online chat too.
They will have to think about their favorite person, favorite food, favorite animal, favorite activity, favorite drink, favorite color, favorite sport, favorite movie, favorite book, favorite gift, favorite country, town and places, favorite celebration, favorite subject at school, favorite superhero, favorite actor, favorite TV show, favorite singer, favorite song, favorite game, etc.
Interview a few of your colleagues and write down their answers. You can create a different mind map for each of them.
At the end of your small group discussion, share with the whole class what you learned about your colleagues.
Type in the name of your colleague's favorite country.
Type in the name of your colleague's favorite town.
Type in your colleague's ideal place for a vacation.
Type in your colleague's favorite place to shop.
Type in your colleague's favorite place to eat out.
Type in your colleague's favorite day.
Type in your colleague's favorite month.
Type in your colleague's favorite season.
Type in your colleague's favorite celebration.
Type in your colleague's favorite subject.
Type in your colleague's favorite superhero.
Type in your colleague's favorite actor.
Type in your colleague's favorite TV show.
Type in your colleague's favorite singer.
Type in your colleague's favorite song.
Type in your colleague's favorite game.
Type in the name of your colleague's favorite book.
Type in the name of your colleague's favorite movie.
Type in what is the sport he/she likes to play the most.
Type in what is the sport he/she likes to watch the most.
Type in the gift your colleague would like the most to receive.
Type in your colleague's favorite received gift.
Type in or tell your colleagues what is the favorite quality that they see in others.
Type in or tell your colleagues what is the favorite quality they have.
Type in your colleague's favorite scent.
Type in your colleague's favorite color.
Type in your colleague's favorite drink.
Type in your colleague's favorite activity.
Type in your colleague's favorite sweet treat.
Type in your colleague's favorite meal.
Type in your colleague's favorite vegetable.
Type in your colleague's favorite fruit.
Type in your colleague's favorite wild animal.
Type in your colleague's favorite pet.
Type in the name of your colleague's favorite person.
Mielikarttojen avulla voit ideoida, luoda käsitteiden välisiä suhteita, organisoida ja tuottaa ideoita.
Mielikarttamallit tarjoavat kuitenkin helpomman tavan päästä alkuun, sillä ne ovat kehyksiä, jotka sisältävät tietoa tietystä aiheesta ja ohjaavia ohjeita. Pohjimmiltaan mindmap-mallit varmistavat rakenteen, jossa yhdistyvät kaikki tietyn aiheen elementit ja joka toimii lähtökohtana henkilökohtaiselle mindmapillesi. Ne ovat resurssi, joka tarjoaa käytännöllisen ratkaisun miellekartan luomiseen tietystä aiheesta, joko liike-elämää tai koulutusta varten.
Mulquatro tuo sinulle älykkäitä miellekarttamalleja, joiden avulla voit toimia ja ajatella vaivattomasti.
Kuvailevat aiheet
Aiheet taustatekstillä
Mallin tietojen poistaminen
Voit valita Mulquatron yritys- tai koulutustileiltä erilaisia miellekarttamalleja, tai voit luoda omia miellekarttamalleja tyhjästä. Mikä tahansa mind map voidaan muuttaa mind map -mallin kartaksi lisäämällä johonkin sen aiheeseen lisää ohjaavia muistiinpanoja.