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Expressing opinions and feelings template

Expressing opinions and feelings template

This mind map encourages you to express your feelings and opinions on important things in your life, which influence you greatly: people, books, food, and the weather.

Keywords: feelings, opinions, kids activity, sentiments

Expressing opinions and feelings template

Expressing opinions and feelings

Sometimes, expressing opinions and feelings can be difficult, especially for children. With this template, they can learn about their emotions and can freely express their opinion about the people in their life and about their favorite and less favorite things.

Feelings and Opinions

Express your feeling and opinions about the people in your life, the books you have been reading, the weather and your favorite food.

Least favorite

What is the season you like the least?

Why do you dislike this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.

What is the worst book you read?
Type in the title.

What do you feel about this book?
How did it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.

What food you dislike the most?

Why do you dislike this food?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.



What is your favorite season?

Why do you like this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.


What is your favorite book?
Type in the title.

What is your impression of this book?
How did it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.


What is your favorite food?


Why is it your favorite food?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.




Who is the best person in the world for you? Type in the answer.


Describe your feelings about this person.
Try to come up with other descriptive adjectives instead of good and nice.


Describe the way he/she looks like.
Try to provide as many descriptive adjectives as you can, taking into account the meaning of good and nice in this context.


Describe how he/she acts or behaves. Try to come up with various adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this situation.

Miksi käyttää Mulquatro mind map -mallia?

Mielikarttojen avulla voit ideoida, luoda käsitteiden välisiä suhteita, organisoida ja tuottaa ideoita.

Mielikarttamallit tarjoavat kuitenkin helpomman tavan päästä alkuun, sillä ne ovat kehyksiä, jotka sisältävät tietoa tietystä aiheesta ja ohjaavia ohjeita. Pohjimmiltaan mindmap-mallit varmistavat rakenteen, jossa yhdistyvät kaikki tietyn aiheen elementit ja joka toimii lähtökohtana henkilökohtaiselle mindmapillesi. Ne ovat resurssi, joka tarjoaa käytännöllisen ratkaisun miellekartan luomiseen tietystä aiheesta, joko liike-elämää tai koulutusta varten.

Mulquatro tuo sinulle älykkäitä miellekarttamalleja, joiden avulla voit toimia ja ajatella vaivattomasti.

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Kuvailevat aiheet

Aiheet taustatekstillä


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