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World Countries Template

World Countries Template

Collect and organize information about the geographical features of a country/state/county.

Keywords: Geography, country features, learning countries, geographical features

World Countries Template

Learn countries of the world

Learn countries of the world by completing this template with characteristics about each country. For example, think about geographical features like the length of the rivers, the height of the mountains, what are the neighbors, etc.

Also, after you choose the country you are going to analyze, respond to questions like the ones below:

On which continent is this country located?

What are the Main Physiographic Divisions of this country?

What are the languages spoken in this country?

What is the climate of this country?

What are the major cities of this country?

What is the population of this country?

Country name

Keywords: countries, states, geography, cities, capital city, climate, physiographic divisions

Write the name of the country/state/county you are going to analyze. Then add a representative image.

General Facts

Think about this general facts about Country name.

Major Cities

A major city from Country name

Climate type

A climate type from Country name


A language spoken in Country name


The capital of Country name


What is the population of Country name?

The number of people living in Country name

Main Physiographic Divisions

Physiographic regions of the world are a way of defining Earth's landforms into distinct regions.

What are the Physiographic regions of Country name?

Psysiographic Division


What is the continent where Country name is located?


Geographical features

Add geographical features of Country name. They can be related to the length of the rivers, the height of the mountains, what are the neighbours etc.

Geographical feature

Add a geographical feature. It can be related to the length of the rivers, the height of the mountains, what are the neighbours etc.

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