Catégories : Tous - religion

par Tiffany Large Il y a 13 années


Mormon wars

Throughout the 19th century, Mormons faced repeated persecution and violence as they sought to practice their religion freely. From being pursued by hostile mobs to facing official actions like the 1838 Missouri Extermination Order, Mormons were frequently accused and imprisoned for acts they did not commit.

Mormon wars

Thesis: Many believe that mormons were the cause of all these wars and that their wrong-doings brought these wars upon themselves, but they were only trying to express their religion freely and they were willing to fight as they needed until they had that right and they were no longer persecuted by other citizens and government leaders.


Mormon wars


Mobs followed the mormons everywhere they went and were extremely harsh toward the learders.

Utah War

Brigham young replaced as governor and mormons begin sporatic raids on camping U.S troops.

The Missouri Extermination Order of 1838

Missouri orders an extermination of all mormons.

Missouri War

Mormons were coontinually accused and improsoned for supposed acts that they did but really had no part of and the saints were constantly persecued.