a Guerra Guerra 5 éve
The evolving landscape of smart cities and buildings emphasizes sustainability, energy efficiency, and occupant well-being. Modern smart infrastructure integrates advanced data collection and interconnected systems like IoT, enhancing automation and overall building performance.
R&D People-centric Design Flexible / remote working Biophilia Air quality Occupant performance & satisfaction Happiness, health and well-being Electrification Electric heating Electric vehicles Demand management Energy storage Micro grids Micro generation (nuclear, solar etc) Artificial intelligence Self driving cars Robotics and Drones Genetic algorithms Reinforcement learning Big Data Statistics Data science & analysis Data driven design Smart cities and buildings Data collection and distribution Smart grid / infrastructure Sensing and metering Interconnectedness / IOT / IFTTT Automation Climate Change and resource depletion Renovation and reuse of buildings Climate resilient design Post occupancy / soft landings Embodied carbon Building performance Envelope, cladding and facades Climate change and Carbon Air flow and wind environment Comfort Health and Well-being Light and Daylight Energy and Renewables