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Action or Linking Verb

Action or Linking Verb

Learn how to separate action verbs from linking verbs.

Keywords: grammar, language, types of verbs, action verbs, linking verbs

Action or Linking Verb

Action or linking verb

Learn how to distinguish between action verbs and linking verbs. When you do not know if you have to use an action or linking verb, look at the explanations from this template. Also, complete with the examples required in order to understand them better.

Action or Linking Verb?

Learn how to separate action verbs from linking verbs.

Action verbs

This kind of verbs pinpoint some sort of action that a person, animal or object can do.

Action verbs can also be mental actions or things that can be seen.

To establish which word in a sentence is an action verb, just go through each word and ask yourself 'Is this something that can be done by a person, animal or object?'.



Definition: deliver to proper destinations.

Use 'distribute' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'distribute' in the future perfect tense.

Use 'distribute' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses past perfect.

Use 'distribute' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'distribute' is in the present perfect.

Use 'distribute' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses future simple.

Use 'distribute' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses this tense.

Use 'distribute' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses this tense.



Definition: to make slight changes in something in order to make it fit or function better.

Use 'conduct' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'conduct' in the future perfect tense.

Use 'conduct' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'conduct' uses future simple.

Use 'conduct' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'conduct' uses past perfect.

Use 'conduct' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'conduct' uses this tense.

Use 'conduct' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'conduct' uses this tense.

Use 'conduct' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'conduct' uses this tense.


Verb 'bake'

Definition: to cook in the oven.

Use 'bake' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'bake' in the future perfect tense.

Use 'bake' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses future simple.

Use 'bake' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses past perfect.

Use 'bake' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses this tense.

Use 'bake' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'bake' is in the present perfect.

Use 'bake' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses this tense.



Definition: to make slight changes in something in order to make it fit or function better.

Use 'adjust' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'adjust' in the future perfect tense.

Use 'adjust' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'adjust' uses future simple.

Use 'adjust' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'adjust' uses past perfect.

Use 'adjust' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'adjust' uses this tense.

Use 'adjust' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'adjust' uses this tense.

Use 'adjust' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'adjust' uses this tense.

Linking verbs

Linking verbs

This kind of verbs are meant to:

When you want to test whether a verb is an action or linking one, you have to replace it with a true linking verb and see if the sentence still makes sense.

Other linking verbs
Resultative verb

Also known as resultative verbs, these verbs can exist either as action verbs or linking verbs. Usually, the verbs that relate to any of the five senses function in this way.

Type in a resultative verb


Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with this verb in the future perfect tense.

Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which this verb uses future simple.

Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which this verb uses past perfect.

Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which this verb uses past simple tense.

Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which this verb uses present perfect tense.

Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which this verb uses present simple tense.

True linking verbs

'Seem' is always a linking verb, this is why it is called 'true'.

Definition: to appear; to give the impression.

Use 'seem' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'seem' in the future perfect tense.

Use 'seem' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses future simple.

Use 'seem' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses past perfect.

Use 'seem' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.

Use 'seem' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.

Use 'seem' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.


'Become' is a 'true' linking verb.

Definition: to evolve into.

Future Perfect

Use 'become' in the Future Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence with 'become' in the future perfect tense.


Use 'become' in the Future Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'become' uses future simple.

Past Perfect

Use 'become' in the Past Perfect Tense

Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'become' uses past perfect.

Past Simple

Use 'become' in the Past Simple Tense

Write a short sentence in which the verb 'become' uses this tense.

Present Perfect

Use 'become' in the Present Perfect Tense

Type in a sentence in which the verb 'become' uses this tense.



Use 'become' in the Present Simple Tense

Write a sentence in which the verb 'become' uses this tense.

Miért érdemes Mulquatro mind map sablont használni?

A gondolattérképek segítenek az ötletelésben, a fogalmak közötti kapcsolatok kialakításában, a rendszerezésben és az ötletek generálásában.

A gondolattérkép-sablonok azonban könnyebb utat kínálnak a kezdéshez, mivel ezek olyan keretek, amelyek egy adott témával kapcsolatos információkat tartalmaznak, irányadó utasításokkal. Lényegében a mindmap-sablonok biztosítják azt a struktúrát, amely egy adott téma összes elemét egyesíti, és kiindulópontként szolgál az Ön személyes mindmapjához. Forrást jelentenek arra, hogy praktikus megoldást nyújtsanak egy adott témával kapcsolatos elmetérkép létrehozásához, akár üzleti, akár oktatási céllal.

A Mulquatro intelligens gondolattérkép-sablonokat kínál, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy könnyedén működjön és gondolkodjon.

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