Sablonok > Projektmenedzsment >

Resource audit template

Resource audit template

This mind map helps you 'audit the resources available to your organization that could support the development of new products and services.

Keywords: resources audit, human resources, knowledge resources, reputational resources, financial resources, physical resources, project management

Resource audit template

Resource audit template

A resource audit template will help you analyze the available resources that could help in developing new products and services.

There are different types of resources:

Financial resources

Physical resources

Human resources

Reputational resources

Knowledge resources

After you do this resource audit, decide which of them are not helping and how to improve the ones that are advantageous.

Where to next?

Where to next?

Having made your audit of resources that could help with the development of new products and services, you can:

Add notes on the most important information you found.

Organization Name

Type in the name of the organization, department or team that you are auditing

Reputational resources

What kind of reputation does your organization, team or department have?

Think about:

Is this resource an advantage or disadvantage for the development of new products & services?

If it is not neutral, rate it by clicking an icon below:

Knowledge resources

What knowledge assets does your organization, department or team possess?

Think about:

Is this resource an advantage or disadvantage for the development of new products & services?

If it is not neutral, rate it by clicking an icon below:

Human resources

Add a human resource

Think about:

Is this resource an advantage or disadvantage for the development of new products & services?

If it is not neutral, rate it by clicking an icon below:

Physical resources

Add a physical resource

Think about:

Is this resource an advantage or disadvantage for the development of new products & services?

If it is not neutral, rate it by clicking an icon below:

Financial resources


Add a financial resource

Think about:

Is this resource an advantage or disadvantage for the development of new products & services?

If it is not neutral, rate it by clicking an icon below:

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