Categorie: Tutti - desertificazione - migrazioni - combustibili - biodiversità

da Grazia Di Costanza mancano 2 anni



I cambiamenti climatici sono influenzati da vari fattori, tra cui l'aumento della popolazione e l'uso massiccio di combustibili fossili. L'abuso energetico e le produzioni non sostenibili contribuiscono ulteriormente al problema.



In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed

Principali cause

produzioni e consumi insostenibili

Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms – a process called fission.

This generates heat to produce steam, which is used by a turbine generator to generate electricity. Because nuclear power plants do not burn fuel, they do not produce greenhouse gas emissions.

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Energy.

Uso di combustibili fossili

A wind turbine, or alternatively referred to as a wind energy converter, is a device that converts the wind's kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Wind turbines are manufactured in a wide range of vertical and horizontal axis.

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Wind turbines.

Abuso energetico

Solar energy begins with the sun. Solar panels are used to convert light from the sun, which is composed of particles of energy called 'photons', into electricity that can be used to power electrical loads.

Write down the benefits of using solar panels.

Aumento della popolazione

Hydrogen fuel is a zero-emission fuel burned with oxygen.

It can be used in fuel cells or internal combustion engines.

Name the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrogen fuel.


principali conseguenze

There are many different types of energy, which all fall into two primary forms – kinetic and potential.

Energy can transform from one type to another, but it can never be destroyed or created.

perdita biodiversità

Gravitational energy is a form of potential energy.

It is energy associated with gravity or gravitational force, in other words, the energy held by an object when it is in a high position compared to a lower position.

Give examples.

maggiore inquinamento

Electrical energy is the movement of electrons, the tiny particles that make up atoms, along with protons and neutrons.

Electrons that move through a wire are called electricity.

Give another example of electrical energy.

migrazioni forzate

Chemical energy is stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.
It is the energy that holds these particles together.

Stored chemical energy is found in food, natural gas, etc.

Give more examples.

riscaldamento globale

Nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of atoms.

This energy is released when the nuclei are combined (fusion) or split apart (fission).

Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of uranium atoms to produce electricity.

What element do they use to fuel nuclear power plants?

scioglimento dei ghiacciai

Thermal energy is created from the vibration of atoms and molecules within substances. The faster they move, the more energy they possess and the hotter they become. Thermal energy is also called heat energy.

Give examples of heat energy.


Motion energy or mechanical energy is the energy stored in objects; as objects move faster, more energy is stored.

Examples of motion energy include wind, a flowing river, etc.

Give more examples.
