によって Megan Kessler 12年前.
EDCT 2030 10.2
In Ms. Kessler's class, students engage in a variety of learning activities across multiple subjects. In science, they research different types of birds online and explore stages of plant growth by growing plants themselves.
Ms. Kessler's Class English Have student's make their own book using pictures and a few words Read book about emotions and how to deal with them properly Learn basic things about books (what's a title, author etc.) Science Grow plants that are at different stages to experience stages of plant growth Research types of birds online Learn what butterflies are Recreational Activities Practice basic motor movement by using bikes in gym Go on walking field trip to look at butterflies Go on a walk to find certain types on plants using guide Computer Literacy Research native Ohio plants using the internet Find pictures of specific birds online Use computers, practice using search engines Math Practive writing numbers on smart board (tracing) Use YouTube video to demonstate "5 little butterflies" Counting number 1-5 in song