によって Lily Revzina 2年前.
Gender Identities
There are various gender identities beyond the traditional binary framework. People can identify as femme, showing a preference for femininity, or gender apathic, where they do not have a strong connection to any gender.
This term is mostly used to refer to trans males who were assigned female at birth Gender Identities Gender Fluid A label used to describe gender identity or expression Gender questioning Someone who is questioning their gender/gender expression Gender Normative Someone who has gender traits that fall within social norms Gender Apathic Someone who doesn't strongly identify with a gender Female to male Femme Someone with a gender that leans towards femimine Feminine- presenting People who have a gender expression that they categorize as female Demigirl A nonbinary gender identity who partially identifies with bring a girl Demigender Non-binary gender identities that use the prefix demi to show they have partial identification with the opposite gender Demiboy A non-binary gender identity for someone who partially identifies as a boy Cisnormativity The assumption that someone identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth Cishet Someone who is cisgender and heterosexual Cissexism When someone experiences oppression because they are not cisgender Transgender Cisgender Someone who identifies as the same gender they were born as