によって Hannah Dast 6年前.
Katy Jane Seaton
Katy Jane Seaton has played a significant role in the growth and development of Farmhouse Vineyard in Brownfield, Texas. Her journey into the wine industry began long before she settled in West Texas, driven by a deep-rooted passion for wine and a robust educational background.
Photos Environmental photos at location:
wine bottles/glasses, merchandise,
entrance, vineyard Portraits at winery Old photos of when the winery
started, particularly of women
who were influential Photos she provides of her time
involved in legislative activities Katy Jane Seaton Farmhouse Vineyard,
Brownfeild, TX Future of the business How it started How it has grown or changed Balance of family and business Women in Agriculture How women are involved in the winery Ways she involves other women Why she is personally passionate about this Personal background Life pre-West Texas Education Beginning of passion for wine Subtopic Legislative activities How this connects to her business,
life balance How she got involved Why she got involved Particularly passionate subjects How being a woman in the industry
effects her efforts in legislation