によって CONNER MERRY 3年前.
Moon Survival
In the context of space exploration, particularly Moon survival, various innovative agricultural and environmental management techniques are employed. Hydroponics and aeroponics are pivotal in cultivating plants without soil, using nutrient solutions or air to deliver essential minerals.
Moon Survival APH APH information Minimal Crew Involvement Way to grow plants in space Synthetic Lighting LED's reduce energy use Easier for space growth Used in replacement of sunlight Greenhouse How space plants are adapting Should be first thing built on Moon Easy way to grow crops in unstable environment Layers Why we wear layers in the cold Easier for changing temperatures Better for Keeping Warm Insulators Very important factor in Moon Survival Insulators and conductors experiment Doesn't let energy flow through the material Water Pillow Planting How astronauts grow plants Seeds are put in 'pillows' to grow instead of soil A way that plants are grown while in a growth chamber Water Cycle The water cycle The way water goes from the clouds to the ground and back Distillation Distillation mainly used combined with other purification methods Used already on ISS to purify water A water purification system VEGGIE Very useful way to grow crops with low gravity and little extra water NASA veggie fact sheet Way astronauts grow produce Conductors Conductors and insulators experiment Should be avoided when thinking about building materials with the idea of warmth in mind Lets energy flow through material Aeroponics Teens used NASA tech to create aeroponic garden Started use in space in the 1960's No Soil used when growing plants Hydroponics How hydroponics work in space Uses nutrient solution in a water solvent Done without soil