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The Decline of Feudalism

The advent of advanced weaponry such as the longbow and cannon played a significant role in the decline of feudalism in Europe. The effectiveness of longbows in battle rendered traditional knights obsolete, as their armor could not withstand the piercing capabilities of longbow arrows.

The Decline of Feudalism

The Decline of Feudalism

100 Years War

Joan of Arc heard voices urging her to save France. She had led French army to victory and her actions inspired French citizens to believe.
The death of Joan of Arc motivated the French because she was a matyr. A feeling of nationalism emerged in England and France. People saw the king as a national leader and fought for their country not their feudal lord.
The English were able to defeat the French in early battles. The reason why is that because the English had archers armed with longbows and crossbows with arrows that flew farther,faster, and more accurately.
This affected the Decline of Feudalism because knights and manors were now useless. The reason why the longbow proved knights to be useless was that the longbows and their arrows flew farther, faster, and accurately to kill in battle. The arrows of the longbow pierced a lot of knights in battle to their death, which led to less and less knights in combat.The cannon also led to the end of feudalism because cannons brought manor walls down to attack people on manor land like monarchs, nobles, serfs, and knights. The manors protected people and they had walls and the cannons made it easier to tear down these walls to attack, basically. That is why weapons like the longbow and the cannon led to the end of feudalism in Europe.
A French king died without a successor (or without sons to inherit the throne). Which meant that someone else part of his family would inherit the throne of France.
The war began when the king of France challenged England´s claim to French fiefs (land). Which led to a chaos of a hundred and sixteen years of war between the two countries.

The Plague

It is most likely that trade and travel caused the spread of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) more faster. It killed more people quicker and easier.
This affected people because it killed people everywhere and trade and commerce slowed a lot during the plague years. As Europe began to recover, the economy needed to be rebuilt.
The plague came to everyone in any social class not one specific class. It wasn't how much rich or poor you were or how much respect you got.
This affected people in Medieval Europe because it made people realize that they were equal to each other. Also it made commoners important and powerful by a lot of people of dying of plague.
The plague was caused by bacteria that was spread by the bite of an infected flea.The infected flea that lived on infected rat or (other type of) rodent.
The plague-infected flea bites the unwilling victim that develop fever and pains.The victim feels weak and tired, but finds it hard to sleep and body temperature increases. Feels giddy, and begins to talk random stuff. Then, swollen glands called buboes that would bleed causing blue-black or purple blotches. Red rashes appear with small red spots om buboes. Finally, the victim would die after 4 to 7 days of having plague.

Political Changes

King Edward of England chose to include more people in government. He created the governing body known as Model Parliament.
Model Parliament included commoners, lower ranking clergy and nobles. It allowed for many different opinions from different social classes to be heard.
King Henry II changed the legal system in England by requiring that people receive a trail by a royal judges and juries. Before this innocence was determined by trial by ordeal or trial by combat.
This change in the system gave commoners more rights. This also resulted in less innocents being jalled.
The Magna Carta was a contract signed by King John of England because he was abusing his power. It was the first step in providing more rights to the people of England.
The Magna Carta introduced the idea that no person was above the law, not even the king. It also introduced the idea of Mabeas Corpus which said that no person could be jailed without being charged with a crime.