によって brian dvorak 13年前.
Web 2.0 for Educators
This course is designed to guide educators through the effective use of Web 2.0 tools in their teaching practices. It begins with an introduction to the concept of Web 2.0 and its significance in education, followed by a pretest quiz.
Web 2.0 for Educators Week 2 - Classroom
& Document
Collaboration Lesson 4 -
Collaboration Build document collaboratively in google docs Create Google Account and Document Library Videos Tutorials Lesson 3 -
Website/Blog Onlie Chat with Presentation on Blogging and Document Collaboration Post to blog and provide link in discussion board Build website with integrated blog Week 1 -
'What and Why of Web 2.0' Lesson 2 -
PLNs Build PLN with online RSS tools Online Chat with Presentation on PLNs Lesson 1 -
Web 2.0 Online research with written assignment threaded discussion on Web 2.0 Videos on Web 2.0 Week 3 -
Communication Tools Lesson 6 - Visual
Presentations Discussion board activity Create and Integrate slideshow into website Lesson 5 -
Discussion Boards/Chat Create and Integrate discussion board and chat into website Live Chat on Discussion boards and live chat Voicethread activity Week 4 - Multimedia and Assessment Tools Lesson 8 -
Assessment Tools Submit Final Project and share with colleagues Create and embed assessment into website Lesson 7 -
Video Create Video and Embed in webite Text Reading Video Tutorials Live Chat on Video Introduction & Welcome Cyber Cafe Introductions PreTest in form of Quiz Widget