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Decision Matrix Template

Decision Matrix Template

Use this mind map to identify and compare the benefits and drawbacks of multiple ideas, so you can choose the best option for yourself!

Keywords: personal life, benefits and drawbacks, decision matrix

Decision Matrix Template

Decision matrix template

What is a decision matrix?

The decision matrix, also called the pugh matrix is a tool used by analysts to make important business decisions. Before completing this decision matrix template you will need to know detailed options and criteria.

Use this decision matrix template to brainstorm your ideas. You can evaluate and rank them.

Why you should use a decision matrix?

Maybe you have too many options to choose from, or you and your colleagues have different opinions. After completing this template, everything will be clear.

How to use the decision matrix template

Step 1

Write down some ideas for which you want to see the advantages and disadvantages.

Step 2

Think about some decision criteria like the examples below:

Internal Capability

Available resources

Alignment with the business objectives

Estimated profit

Estimated Cost

Competitive Advantage

Ease of Execution

Time of Completion

Customer Desire

Matching with existing brand and products


Partners opinion

Step 3

Type in Pro Arguments and Counterarguments based on this criteria.

Step 4

You can even score for each option, using a number icon from our icons gallery. Calculate the score for Pro arguments and Counterarguments for each idea. Score each option from 0 (poor) to 5 (very good).

You do not need to use a different score for each option. If all of them are good you can score them with 5. If none of them are good you can score all of them with 0.

Step 5

Establish your final decision based on your final scores. Mark the totals and plan a way forward.

If you are working with your colleagues to make a decision, tell them how to proceed. List the options and criteria, then ask them to assign a weight of 1 to 5 for each of them.

Decision Matrix

With this mind map you will be able to see the advantages and disadvantages of certain ideas!

Type in your ideas here!

Type in an Idea


Add the counterarguments!

Pro arguments

Add the pro arguments!

Waarom een Mulquatro mindmap template gebruiken?

Mindmappen helpen je brainstormen, relaties leggen tussen concepten, organiseren en ideeën genereren.

Mindmapsjablonen bieden echter een eenvoudigere manier om aan de slag te gaan, omdat het kaders zijn die informatie bevatten over een specifiek onderwerp met begeleidende instructies. In essentie zorgen mindmapsjablonen voor de structuur die alle elementen van een specifiek onderwerp combineert en als startpunt dient voor je persoonlijke mindmap. Ze zijn een hulpmiddel om een praktische oplossing te bieden voor het maken van een mindmap over een bepaald onderwerp, zowel voor het bedrijfsleven als voor het onderwijs.

Mulquatro brengt je slimme mindmap templates waarmee je moeiteloos kunt functioneren en denken.

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