av Rick Lugash 11 år siden
Mer som dette
--Ryan Garey plan
managed by ST
--Engage Espstein, Becker Green to...
--Identify FDA Class compliance
--Identify HIPPA conformance requirements
--Advise on FDA issues in plan
--Complete copy
--Home page images
Case Study Consultant:
Jon Davis
[c] 801.663.4484
[e] jondavis2@gmail.com
LinkedIn Profile
My Facebook Profile
Schedule Some Time With Me
Skype: davis.jon
Backend admin portal
- create customer account
- uploading of results etc.
Input system
- lab tech enter info into online form, backend with infusionsoft.
Possible revised portal system
phone support system
online chat
Outsource to NeuroScience
Wholesale Kits:
Andwin Scientific
Contact: Carrie Barnes
Ph: (818) 999-2828 x4265
Em: cbarnes@andwin.com
Fulfillment House:
Molding Box
Contact: Jeremy Gessell
Ph: (801) 307-2224
Em: JGesell@moldingbox.com
Paid Search Resources
*PPC guy Referred by Marketing Mavens
*Also heavy in Infusionsoft and Wordpress
Site Traffic Control
Web: http://www.sitetrafficcontrol.com/
Jordan Hall
Ph: 800-790-3108
Em: jordan@sitetrafficcontrol.com
Get u wired
Web: http://www.getuwired.us/
Contact: Lee Goff (owner)
Ph: (877) 236 9094
Em: lee@getuwired.us
Contact: Bobby Brown
Ph: (404) 583-7322
Em: bbrown@getuwired.us
Mike Geary
Mike Hill
David Sinick
Possible referrer's:
Bourn Creative
Ryan Lee
Joe Barton
Sam Bennett
Jeremy Shapiro
Craig Jacobson
Organic Search Resources:
Marketing Mavens' SEO guy
Chris Ormistion
Ph: 602-421-7420
Em: chris@marketingmavens.com
Get u wired
Web: http://www.getuwired.us/
Contact: Lee Goff (owner)
Ph: (877) 236 9094
Em: lee@getuwired.us
Contact: Bobby Brown
Ph: (404) 583-7322
Em: bbrown@getuwired.us
David Sinick
Possible referrer's:
Bourn Creative
Ryan Lee
Joe Barton
Sam Bennett
Jeremy Shapiro
Craig Jacobson