av ליאן מרדכי 3 år siden
The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is deeply rooted in ideological differences, with Ukraine favoring democracy and Russia leaning towards dictatorship and imperialism.
RUSSIA-UKRAIAN CONFLICT Health Physical harm as a result of the war Mental injury - trauma and anxiety Resources Ukraine supplies corn, wheate Russia supplies gas, oil, coal Economy Investing money in weapons Loss of resources from Russia or Ukraine Ideology Ukraine- Democracy, Russia- Dictatorship and
imperialism. Politics NATO's dispute over Ukraine request Debates between prime ministers Gain/Lose Gain- The war will claim many victims Lose- other countries conflicts- If they will choose
one side. Gain- Ukraine can join Nato, help them and get their help Gain- Israel can support the United States and strengthen its relationship with it Lose- Economic - Investment in resources, military power Lose- Any side that Israel chooses will destroy a relationship with the other side. Gain-Russia creates threat and fear among countries Relations The 30's NATO countries who affect Ukraine and the whole conflict Israel-USA relationship who affect the conflict History Following Russia's intervention in ukraine's civil war, Ukraine decides to suspend diplomatic relations In 1920, the Soviet army entered and
took over Russia. Russia and Ukraine were part of republics
in the former Soviet Union The players The players in the conflict: Russia, Ukraine,
NATO, USA and Israel.