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Learn how to master a subject using this mind map template that will help you gather information in one place and prepare for courses and exams. Add in this mind map details about the course introduction, resource requirements, books that you need to read, course content, project work, and course schedule.
Type in the name of your subject.
Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.
Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.
Add a list of questions to help you recap your lecture.
Write down if there are things you would like to discuss or clarify with your teacher or colleagues in relation to this topic.
Add a short description of the lecture.
Add here all the details about your projects.
Add the team members.
Student Name
Add a short project description.
Add the project name.
Schedule your course ahead. Knowing all the information will make everything easier.
Add the class information for each week.
Add class name.
Day, Date,Hour
Add additional information about this class.
Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.
Add summary of the content of a book
Add details about where you can get it from. For e.g.: library, bookstore, audiobook, etc.
Publishing information
Add the publishing information.
Name the author.
Review your resource requirements and tick off the devices you will need as well as their availability. Add others, if necessary.
Add other resources:
Select as needed:
Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Did your teacher present the objectives of this course? Write them down and add anything else that might help you reach these objectives.
Add details about your teachers' evaluation criteria. This way you will know the aspects you need to focus on.
Write down the attendance policy, to avoid confusion throughout the year.
Type in the name of your teachers and teacher assistants, plus any details you should know about them.
Add details about your course.
Tankekart hjelper deg med å brainstorme, etablere relasjoner mellom begreper, organisere og generere ideer.
Tankekartmaler er imidlertid en enklere måte å komme i gang på, ettersom de er rammeverk som inneholder informasjon om et bestemt emne med veiledende instruksjoner. Tankekartmaler sørger for en struktur som kombinerer alle elementene i et bestemt emne og fungerer som et utgangspunkt for ditt personlige tankekart. De er en ressurs som gir deg en praktisk løsning for å lage et tankekart om et bestemt emne, enten det er i forbindelse med jobb eller utdanning.
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Du kan velge mellom en rekke maler for tankekart fra Mulquatros bedrifts- eller utdanningskontoer, eller du kan lage dine egne tankekartmaler fra bunnen av. Et hvilket som helst tankekart kan gjøres om til en mind map-mal ved å legge til flere veiledende notater til et av temaene.