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How to Write an Essay Template

How to Write an Essay Template

This mind map will help you make a plan for your essay. With this structure, you will be able to find connections, generate new ideas and reach a better understanding of any given subject.

Keywords: literature, writing

How to Write an Essay Template

How to write an essay

Learn how to write an essay using this mind map template. It will help you make a plan so you have everything organized before starting to write.

Try to find a good idea and figure out the purpose for writing your essay. Then note down some points for the introduction, main body, and conclusion, and some book references.

Essay topic

Type in the subject of your essay.

Main body

In the main body of your essay, you should list your arguments which will support your thesis.

perspective C

You can choose to argue from different perspectives. For example, you can choose to agree or disagree or remain objective of the main idea.

perspective B


You can choose to argue from different perspectives. For example, you can choose to agree or disagree or remain objective to the main idea.



perpective A


In the conclusion section, you should have a brief summary of your main arguments.

Main arguments

Type in here all the quotes and references which inspired you to develop your essay.

Quote 3
Quote 2
Quote 1


main questions

Formulate the question around which you want to build your arguments.



State the main idea of the essay. This will be your thesis statement.

main arguments

List the arguments which will answer your question.


Type in the keywords you want your audience to get familiarized with while reading your essay.


Type in the domain which your essay is related to.


Type in the title of your essay.

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