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Would you rather questions for kids

Would you rather questions for kids

Learn more about yourself by thinking about the answer to these questions.

Keywords: interactive exercises, would you rather game, making decisions, self-improvement

Would you rather questions for kids

'Would you rather' questions for kids

Use these 'Would you rather' questions for kids to help them discover more things about themselves and have fun at the same time. This template can also be used as a group activity. Before completing the map, kids can share their answers with colleagues. Another way to do that is to choose one colleague for each child and they will ask each other those questions.

Some examples of questions from this template are:

Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or walk through walls?

Would you rather watch TV all day or play games all day?

Would you rather live in the countryside or live in a big town?

Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

Would you rather be able to fly for one day or be invisible for one day?

You can also add other questions in this template before asking kids to complete them.

Would you rather...?

You will have to choose between two options.

Discover a new planet or discover a new animal?

Discover a new planetDiscover a new animal

Live in the countryside or live in a big town?

Live in the counstrysideLive in a big town

Stay home or go outside everyday?

Stay home everydayGo outside everyday

Read a book or watch a movie?

Read a bookWatch a movie

Have a dog or a cat?

Have a dogHave a cat

Live in a house or an apartment?

Live in a houseLive in an apartment

Have only 1 friend or have 100 friends?

Have only 1 friendHave 100 friends

Eat french fries or pizza?

Eat french friesEat pizza

Eat an ice cream or a cupcake?

Eat an ice creamEat a cupcake

Win a house or a car?

Win a houseWin a car

Watch TV all day or play games all day?

Watch TV all dayPlay games all day

Speak Spanish or speak French?

Speak SpanishSpeak French

Be able to breathe underwater or walk through walls?

Be able to breathe under waterWalk through walls

Be able to fly for one day or be invisible for one day?

Fly for one dayBe invisible for one day
Choose answer

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Du kan velge mellom en rekke maler for tankekart fra Mulquatros bedrifts- eller utdanningskontoer, eller du kan lage dine egne tankekartmaler fra bunnen av. Et hvilket som helst tankekart kan gjøres om til en mind map-mal ved å legge til flere veiledende notater til et av temaene.