A3.2 Lesson Plan Deconstruction
Project Timeline
Module 3.2
check rubric one last time, finish reflections. Submit by 8pm.
Final draft and conversation.
Answer the questions in the graphic organizer
Post responses by Wed night for discussion and polish draft on thursday.
Use discussion board to post our thoughts, questions and challenges.
Create Mulquatro piece
Thursday night come back and polish it up.
Monday Night meet in mindomo to fill out our prewriting
Lesson Plan:
SCI – Authority, Accuracy
Search engine hits - database
Category Matrix
*Provided by Dr.M via email from her forthcoming book (Lesson PLan 7.2).
Bloom's Taxonomy
Must identify each level. 6 levels, 6 objectives.
Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension: Maximizing Your Impact
Review research-based instructional strategies (p13)
Questions about lesson length?
Name and describe which you need to learn
Name which have you used
Read the additional information provided on this graphic organizer (p15) and use it to analyze the lesson plan you are deconstructing.
module 3.1
Choose a lesson plan
review her suggestions and choose one.
Contact Dr M for plans
Meet at Zimmerman Library to choose a brainstorming tool
identify partner in course discussion board
Brainmapping Tool 2.0
This Mulquatro A3.2 should be embedded to our wiki and a link onthe assignment submission box. This is our 'prewriting tool'
As we answer a question, mark it off on the check list (Red or Green)
The language in the checklist will help evaluate the answer.
Checklist is submission document; include reflection at end of same docx.
Graphic Organizer
Answer questions individually on the wiki.
Kat is Green
Daniel is Red
Proofread after work on friday.
We each Submit our checklist and essay before 8pm.
(Due 9pm TXtime)
Thoughts on this lesson plan as applied to college instruction and how can we use our new knowledge to build our own lesson plan?
This is a wonderful elsson plan for our freshmen. Probably some of our sophs need this too!
I bet we can connect this form of literacy skill in the film assignment. use web vs database, .com vs .edu (etc)
Will have to require ingrediant for evaluating sources. onion vs variety vs journal of pop film and tv......
How and When to use different resources. Film database (imdb.com) for indiv. film data; or local stats for benfits/ legislature of filming local; or a research db for studies on film effects on local economies.
Advanced (HS but we'll apply to college freshmen)
SCI - Authority, Accuracy
Search Engine hits - Databases
Category Matrix
ACRL Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education
Assignment emailed from Dr M.
J. Moreillon, Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries. (Chicago: ALA Editions). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/.