Es una herramienta básica en múltiples disciplinas que ofrece un resultado científico y veraz sobre el funcionamiento psicológico del individuo y su posible comportamiento
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Good luck with your project!
Begin by entering your organisation's name in the central topic, then press Enter.
¿ Qué es?
Continually communicating the results of your Balanced Scorecard project is vital.
Es una ciencia que estudia la escritura y los grafismos cuya finalidad es observar lo que ellos reflejan.
Descubrir las facetas de la personalidad
Identify areas for measurement and management by thinking about your organization's mission, objectives and strategy.
temperamento emocional y afectivo
potencia desarrollo hacia el fututro
Add a measurement against objectives or strategy. Measurements should be:
- Capable of consistent measurement
- Agreed to be more fact than opinion
- Can have a meaningful target value set
- Capable of improvement, by taking action
- Agreed as representative by the people taking action
- Not easy to manipulate to simulate success
- Not a 'blame' factor that picks out individuals
como se relaciona
Aptitudes profesionales
Add comments about the status of your strategy today. Is it:
- Clearly defined and well communicated?
- Clearly defined, but not well known or understood?
- Defined, but known to be out of date?
- A bit informal or changeable?
- Not really defined at all?
- What action do you need to take?
tipo de inteligencia
Add a statement about your mission, objectives or strategies.
If you are not clear on these, then consider using a VMOST analysis to create them.
¿ Para que ?
L a grafología nos ofrece propio conocimiento y perfeccionamiento, selección de personal en empresas , conocimiento y formación de educandos, orientación profesional y vocacional,relaciones públicas y ventas.
In order to identify measurements that give insights into performance, be clear about the needs of all the stakeholders in your company.
Add a stakeholder who has an interest in the success of your organization.
You can choose from the suggestions, or better, add stakeholders that are specific to your company.
CustomersConsumersOwnersShareholdersStaffMembersRegulatorsThe communityPartnersSuppliers