realizată de Michael Spiridakis - Williams Parkway Sr PS (1424) 6 ani în urmă
phyical geography
The study of physical geography encompasses various aspects of the Earth's structure and processes. Central to this field are plate tectonics, where the movement and interaction of tectonic plates such as the Pacific Plate and North American Plate shape the Earth'
San andras fault is where the north american and pacific glide the most horizontally
pacific plate, north american, Eurasian, Caribbean, south american plate
continental drift
Alfred Wagner theory
pangea gondwanana Eurasia
geological eras
Precambrian era divided into Proterozoic Archean Hadean,
Precambrian era most activity
land form regions
western cordillera west coast, forestry with mountains and peaks created when pacific plate crashed with north american plate created in the Mesozoic and ended Cenozoic great for farming plants and vegs also trees wet climate
hudson bay lowlands
artic lowlands
innaution mountains
great lakes st Lawrence lowlands
Appalachian mountains
Canadian shield
western cordillera
igneous weather erode turns to sediment compact cementation
Igneous heat and pressure turn to metamorphic
interglacial period when ice of glaciers melt not completely