Mai multe ca aceasta
Teamwork increases productivity, so identify the best collaborators that you can rely on, beginning with sponsors and suppliers and getting to your actual team and customer account managers, who you consider are a good fit to sustain this specific project.
Make a list of the project requirements and assess the risks and issues that may interfere with the smooth running of the project, as well as the actions you can take to diminish them.
The final step is the actual execution of the business project, which includes a timetable and the project tasks that you are considering. Last but not least, developing a communication plan can help focus your message and reach your target audience.
You can now Download your mind map and use it to communicate with your stakeholders.
It can then become the basis for detailed planning and scheduling.
Enter your project name
Begin by typing your project name into the Central Topic.
Add a project issue and grade its impact by clicking an icon below:
Add a project risk and grade its impact by clicking an icon below:
Add a control action for this risk
Type in a short summary of the action.
Options include:
Type in one or more project activities.
Examples include:
Include a project review?
The project review meeting takes place once the project has been closed, and examines the processes that led to both success and failure in the project.
Add a description of the meeting goals in the Notes panel
Include quality reviews?
If you have specific quality criteria to meet or have a quality regime in your organization, you may need to conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the project could pass an audit at any time.
Add a description of the meeting goals in the Notes panel
Include risk and issue reviews?
You should periodically review project risks and issues, to ensure that new risks are not emerging and that issues are not being left unaddressed.
Add a description of the meeting goals in the Notes panel
Include stage planning meetings?
If your project is large, or if you are using an Agile methodology, you may need regular planning meetings to schedule the project in stages.
Add a description of the meeting goals in the Notes panel
Include a kick-off meeting?
The meeting ensures that the project team and key stakeholders all have the same goals, know what the main elements of the plan are, what the processes and rules are, and what part they will play.
Add a description of the meeting goals in the Notes panel
Add a communication/collaboration tool.
Examples include:
Specify an exclusion from your project.
Examples are:
Add a specific requirement
Prioritize them with an icon:
Add a requirements management technique
Techniques might include:
Add other stakeholders
Think about people who:
Add a partner or supplier. You can add their service or specialty in brackets after their name.
Add a team member
For example:
Add a user or user representative, such as:
Add a customer representative.
These might include people who:
Add an account manager
Add a project sponsor
Add a strategic reason for this project.
Type in a key benefit from this project.
Examples include:
Type in an estimated cost
For example:
Type in an assumption
Examples include:
Type in a project constraint
For example:
Add a key resource that your project will need.
For example:
Type in the name of a milestone for your project.
For example:
Deadline date
Enter an approximate target date for this milestone.
Type in a project deliverable
For example:
Hărțile mentale vă ajută să faceți brainstorming, să stabiliți relații între concepte, să organizați și să generați idei.
Cu toate acestea, șabloanele de hărți mentale oferă o modalitate mai ușoară de a începe, deoarece acestea sunt modele care conțin informații despre un anumit subiect cu instrucțiuni de ghidare. În esență, șabloanele de hărți mentale asigură structura care combină toate elementele unui anumit subiect și servesc drept punct de plecare pentru harta mentală personală. Ele sunt o resursă care oferă o soluție practică pentru a crea o hartă mentală pe un anumit subiect, fie pentru afaceri sau educație.
Mulquatro vă oferă șabloane inteligente de hărți mentale care vă permit să acționați și să gândiți fără efort.
Subiecte descriptive
Subiecte cu text de fundal
Ramură implicită
Eliminarea datelor șablonului
Puteți alege dintr-o varietate de șabloane de hărți mentale din conturile pentru afaceri sau educaționale ale Mulquatro sau puteți crea propriile șabloane de hărți mentale de la zero. Orice hartă mentală poate fi transformată într-o hartă șablon prin adăugarea de instrucțiuni de ghidare suplimentare la unul dintre subiectele sale.