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How to Study for an Exam

How to Study for an Exam

This template helps you to organise your studies and learn effectively. Refer to the article 'How to Study with Mulquatro' for a full description and study tips.

Keywords: literature and writing, subject, deadline, paper, knowledge, syllabus, student, preparing for exam, ideas,

How to Study for an Exam


Use this template to create a dedicated folder or space for each subject , ensuring all relevant materials are organized and readily available for each study session.


This template is designed to help you with studying for an exam or qualification. The ideas behind it are described in this article together with tips and suggestions for study techniques.
Begin by typing in the name of the subject that you are studying.


The rest of the map (outside the Dashboard and baseline) is for Mind Mapping or Concept Mapping your notes and summaries. If you use multiple maps, make links to them from this one.

Mind map name and URL

Knowledge baseline

Map out what you already know about this subject. This will help you to connect new learning with previous knowledge.


Resources library

Add resources that will help your studies in the topics below.

Opportunities to share

What opportunities might exist for you to share your knowledge with others?


What other research might be helpful? Are there related subjects that would help with your studies of this one?

Related subjects

What communities exist around this subject that you could join and learn from? Think about online groups, professional associations, special interest groups, or societies.


Who can help you with this subject? Think about lecturers, tutors, experienced colleagues, other students, or people who have taken this qualification before.



Past papers

Try to find previous test papers, and read them early to understand how the syllabus is interpreted.

Test paper

If you have been given a reading list, map it out below, and add any other relevant publications such as professional journals, published papers, conference proceedings, webinars, and other books.



The 'dashboard' topic holds useful information to help organise your studies. It is separate from the notes themselves.


Map out the syllabus for this subject in the tree below. If you have not received a syllabus, make sure you get a copy.


What are the deadlines for your studies? Add information about exam dates, new projects to start or changes to make.


What are your purposes for this study? What will you be able to do when it is completed successfully?


What are your goals in studying this subject? Are you aiming to pass an exam or gain a qualification? Write it down with target grades if they are important to you.


De ce să folosiți un șablon de hartă mentală Mulquatro?

Hărțile mentale vă ajută să faceți brainstorming, să stabiliți relații între concepte, să organizați și să generați idei.

Cu toate acestea, șabloanele de hărți mentale oferă o modalitate mai ușoară de a începe, deoarece acestea sunt modele care conțin informații despre un anumit subiect cu instrucțiuni de ghidare. În esență, șabloanele de hărți mentale asigură structura care combină toate elementele unui anumit subiect și servesc drept punct de plecare pentru harta mentală personală. Ele sunt o resursă care oferă o soluție practică pentru a crea o hartă mentală pe un anumit subiect, fie pentru afaceri sau educație.

Mulquatro vă oferă șabloane inteligente de hărți mentale care vă permit să acționați și să gândiți fără efort.

Un șablon are diverse funcționalități:

Subiecte descriptive

Subiecte cu text de fundal

Ramură implicită

Eliminarea datelor șablonului

Puteți alege dintr-o varietate de șabloane de hărți mentale din conturile pentru afaceri sau educaționale ale Mulquatro sau puteți crea propriile șabloane de hărți mentale de la zero. Orice hartă mentală poate fi transformată într-o hartă șablon prin adăugarea de instrucțiuni de ghidare suplimentare la unul dintre subiectele sale.