по ben winter 13 лет назад
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A review of current issues in teaching and research, primarily from English National Curriculum and IB perspectives.
Currently this is a news site but from Sept 08, I hope to develop Action research projects and puublish results.
Please add comments through the blog www.teachingthelatest.blogspot.com
Copyright Ben Winter
• red - updated w/b 26.05.08
• orange - updated w/b 02.06.08
• yellow - updated w/b 09.06.08
• Green - completed w/b 9/6/08
• Blue - completed w/b 16/6/08
• Indigo - completed w/b 23/06/08
• Violet - completed w/b 30/06/08
15.05.08 piecemeal green approach
unwrapping the gifted
07.03 Masters entry
21.03.08 Testing hinders happiness
8k sterling for primary maths experts
Y6 SATs trauma
14.03.08 Masters entry
21.03.08 Primary maths champs
20.05.08 OFSTEDing happiness?
Nat Curric constrains teachers
27.05.08 Just the Jab
knowing how to know
26.03.08 NUT slams NMTBuzzcocks
25.03Boardgames boost maths
14.03 self eval distorts schools
18.04.08 too many govt initiatives
14.03.08 Work life balance
02.08.08 Teaching children philosophy
25 July 2008 Tests - do we still need them
22.5.08 some GCSE exams had answers on back
7.09.08 Balls hints at end of SATS
21.05.08 Schools not turning green
31.03.08 Diplomas to replace A levels by 2013
13.03.08 Innovation nation
08.02.08 Is 5 too soon?
10.03.08 homework ban?
25.03.08 Long holidays to end?
57% UK parents want private
learners and technology
Press releases
15.05.08 Key ed tech trends - 1:1
Scandinavia model for USA?
A delegation led by the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) recently toured Scandinavia in search of answers for how students in that region of the world were able to score so high on a recent international test of math and science skills. They found that educators in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark all cited autonomy, project-based learning, and nationwide broadband internet access as keys to their success.
finding the brightest
London Gifted & Talented develops high quality programmes which challenge learners and support teachers. We believe that all learners are entitled to be stretched and challenged, and that the most effective gifted and talented provision is rooted in daily learning and teaching. At the heart of our programmes are cutting-edge e-resources and online tools. These are also available on this website.
Teacher resources
Practical approaches to gifted and talented education
Whether you are a co-ordinator, a teacher or a parent, Teacher Tools provides a range of resources and advice on all aspects of gifted and talented education.
This website was created primarily for the use of schools in the Brighton & Hove 'Excellence in Cities' cluster while its 'Gifted & Talented' strand was active during 2004-6, working with children from Years 5-7.
"talent spotting"
For visual learners look at teachers TV videos of issues in teaching
planning matrix
Learning styles illustrated
Sample activities
Ben W
technology for learning
visual learning
Learning styles
Anne W
Raising awareness of intermational Ed
Colin B
Structuring Thinking Skills in the Classroom
Drama as a context for learning
Mantle of the Expert
Dorothy Heathcote
Exploring new ways to teach
Enabling creativity in Children
John B
Tracking / Afl
Alternative assessment
Understanding by Design
Brit Jrnl Ed Tch