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Eisenhower box template

Eisenhower box template

The Eisenhower Matrix or Eisenhower Box is a method that will help you organize your tasks in order to figure out priorities.

Keywords: task management, business organization, task organization, delegating tasks, prioritizing tasks

Eisenhower box template

Eisenhower box template

This Eisenhower box template will help you organize your tasks based on their priority.

Group them in this Eisenhower box mind map in four categories:

Do first (urgent and important tasks)

Do later (important but not urgent tasks)

Delegate (tasks that are not important, but still need to be done)

Eliminate (tasks that are not urgent nor important and should be eliminated)

Eisenhower Box

The inventor of Eisenhower Matrix is Dwight David Eisenhower – an American army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961. His method helps us prioritize by urgency and importance.


These tasks are not important but they still need to be done. The question you have to address yourself: Who can do this for you?


Tasks that are not urgent nor important should be eliminated so you will not waste time doing them.

DO later

These tasks are still important but they're not urgent so you can schedule a time to do them.


DO first

Urgent and Important tasks that need to be done now.

Do now

Зачем использовать шаблон карты ума Mulquatro?

Карты ума помогают проводить мозговые штурмы, устанавливать взаимосвязи между понятиями, организовывать и генерировать идеи.

Однако шаблоны mind map предлагают более простой способ начать работу, поскольку они представляют собой рамки, содержащие информацию о конкретном предмете с направляющими инструкциями. По сути, шаблоны mind map обеспечивают структуру, которая объединяет все элементы конкретной темы и служит отправной точкой для вашей личной mind map. Они представляют собой ресурс, обеспечивающий практическое решение для создания карты ума по определенной теме, будь то бизнес или образование.

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