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Create new words by using the prefix and suffix in English. Learn the individual meaning of these suffixes and prefixes and add in this mind map template some examples that contain those suffixes and prefixes. You already have some examples in the template.
Figure out new words by learning about the individual meanings of suffixes and prefixes.
Do you know what a 'prefix' is?
A prefix is an affix placed before a word, base, or another prefix to modify a term's meaning.
The prefix 'super-' means 'over', 'more than'.
Type in several words that begin with 'super-'.
Example: supernatural.
The 'semi-' prefix means 'partly', 'half'.
List a couple of words starting with 'semi-'.
Example: semicircle.
The prefix 're-' can mean 'again', 'back'.
Type in several words that start with this prefix.
Example: recall.
The prefix 'auto-' means 'self'.
Type in several words that start with 'auto-'.
Example: autobiography.
The prefix 'multi-' means 'many', 'much'.
List a couple of words that start with 'multi-'.
Example: multimillionaire.
The prefix 'tri-' means 'three'.
List a couple of words that use this prefix.
Example: tridimensional.
The prefix 'bi-' means 'two', 'duality'.
Type in several words that begin with 'bi-'.
Example: bilingual.
The 'en-' prefix means 'cause', 'cause to'.
List several words that begin with
Example: enlighten.
The prefix 'sub-' means 'under', 'below'.
Type in several words starting with 'sub-'.
Example: subway.
The prefix 'under-' means 'below', 'less than'.
List a couple of words that start with 'under-'.
Example: underage.
The prefix 'fore-' means 'before'.
Type in several words that start with this prefix.
Example: foresee.
The meaning of the prefix 'pre-' is 'before'.
Type in several words that start with 'pre-'.
Example: prehistoric.
The prefix 'post-' means 'after', 'later'.
Type in several words that use it.
Example: postpone.
The prefix 'pro-' means 'favor', 'progress'.
Type in several words that start with 'pro-'.
Example: proactive.
The prefix 'con-' means 'with', 'together'.
List a couple of words that use this prefix.
Example: contraction.
The prefix 'co-' means 'together'.
List a couple of words that use this prefix.
Example: coexist.
The 'a/an-' prefixes mean 'not', 'without'.
List a couple of words that use these prefixes.
Example: amoral.
The prefix 'un-' means 'not'.
Type in several words starting with this prefix.
Example: unfair.
The prefix 'non-' means 'not'.
Type in several words that start with this prefix.
Example: nonviolent.
The prefix 'mis-' means 'wrongly'.
Type in several words that begin with 'mis-'.
Example: misunderstanding.
The prefix 'ex-' means 'former'.
List a couple of words beginning with 'ex-'.
Example: ex-husband
The prefix 'dis-' could mean 'not' or 'opposite'.
Type in several words that start with this prefix.
Example: dislike.
The prefix ''de-' could mean: 'opposite', 'reverse', 'to go away'.
Type in a couple of words that begin with 'de-'.
Example: decode.
The prefix 'anti-' means 'against'.
List a couple of words that use this prefix.
Example: antisocial.
Do you know what a 'suffix' is?
A suffix is an affix placed at the end of the root word, which can change its tense and/or meaning.
The suffix '-some' means 'inclined to'.
Type in several words that end in
Example: tiresome
The suffix '-ist' means 'one who practices'.
List several words that end in '-ist'.
Example: dentist.
The suffix '-ism' refers to a doctrine or principle.
Type in several words that use it.
Example: capitalism.
The suffix '-ess' means 'one who' (female).
List a couple of words that end in
Example: actress.
The suffixes '-ant/ent' mean 'one who'.
List a couple of words that end in
Example: servant.
The suffix '-ment' refers to an action or process.
Type in several words that end in
Example: movement.
The suffixes '-ize/yze' mean 'to make' or 'full of'.
List a couple of words that end in '-ize/yze'.
Example: socialize.
The suffix '-al' refers to an action or a process.
Type in several words that use this suffix.
Example: maternal.
The suffix '-age' refers to an action or process.
Type in several words that use this suffix.
Example: pilgrimage.
The suffix '-y' refers to 'being' or 'having'.
List a couple of words that end in '-y'.
Example: sunny.
The suffix '-ous' means 'full of'.
List a couple of words that end in
Example: glorious.
The suffix '-ness' refers to a state or condition.
List a couple of words ending in
Example: happiness.
The suffix '-ly' means 'like', 'resembling'.
List a couple of words that end in '-ly'.
Example: friendly.
The meanings of the '-ish' suffix are: 'near', 'belonging to'.
Type in several words ending in '-ish'.
Example: childish.
The suffix '-ful' means 'full of'.
List several words that end in '-ful'.
Example: colorful.
The suffix '-en' means 'made of', 'related to'.
Type in a couple of words ending in
Example: golden.
The suffix '-ate' suggests 'having the characteristics of something'.
List a couple of words ending in '-ate'.
Example: fortunate.
The suffixes '-ance' and '-ence' refer to a state or quality of something.
Type in several words ending in
Example: resistance.
The suffixes '-able/ible' generally mean 'capable of being'.
List some words ending in '-able/ible'.
Example: comfortable.
The suffix '-est' means 'most'.
Type in several words that end in '-est'.
Example: strongest.
The suffix '-ed' means 'more'.
Type in several words that end in '-er'.
Example: smaller.
The suffix '-ing' suggests the present participle.
Type in several words that end in
Example: snowing.
The suffix '-less' means 'without'.
Type in several words that end in
Example: homeless.
The suffix '-ed' suggests the past tense.
Type in several words that end in '-ed'.
Example: wanted.
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