Больше похоже на это
Start by performing research on the company and role. Prove that you are really interested in this job and outline what led you to apply for it. Take into account facts about the company, as well as your motivation, knowledge, and the value you will bring.
Consider why you are interviewing and identify your qualifications: what are your strengths, weaknesses, and skills that differentiate you from other candidates. Describe your experience and highlight the accomplishments from your previous and/or your current job. Any interviewer will be interested in finding out what are your abilities and what is value and expertise you are going to deliver to the company.
Last but not least, specify a few details about your personality, hobbies, and ambitions. The recruiter will definitely want to know your short term and long term goals, as well as your vision about the future.
Type in the name of the company you are going to have an interview with.
How ambitious are you?
Where and how do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Type in the answers.
What are your long-term goals ?
Type them in.
What are your short-term goals ?
Type them in.
What experience have you got from your previous jobs? Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.
Describe a typical work day in your previous/current position.
Why will/did you leave your existing/last job?
Do you fully understand what this position implies?
After you've made some research on the company, read the job description thoroughly, and try to fully understand what your responsibilities will be.
What would you do on the first day?
What about the first week(s)? Fill in some of the actions that you are planning to take.
What do you think the main challenges will be?
Type them in.
What will be your main tasks?
Type them in.
How would you describe yourself?
Type in a short description.
What are your hobbies?
What do you like to do in your free time? What was the last film you saw or the last book you read? Think of the activities that relax you the most. Fill in several hobbies.
Are you qualified for this position?
Interviewers will want to know whether or not you are able to do the job.
Answer the questions from this section and see if you are the right person for this position.
What is the most compelling reason you should be hired?
What can you do for this job that other candidates can't? Why?
Which qualities were easily observed by your colleagues and/or your former/existing boss?
Type them in.
What are your weaknesses?
How do you work on overcoming these weaknesses?
Type in a short explanation.
What strengths qualify you for this job?
Why do you think you have this strength?
Give an example.
Research the company
You should find and learn as much as you can about the company where you are having an interview.
The interviewer will want to see what you know about them and why you chose the company.
Doing your homework will show that you are really interested.
What do you know about the company's main goal and vision?
Type in the answer.
What do you know about the history of the company?
Type in a short description.
Company history
What kind of innovations does this company have?
Type in several examples.
What is the company's turnover for last year?
What products does this company have?
Type in several examples.
What is the size of this company?
Company size
What can you do for this company that someone else can't?
Type in several unique traits that will turn you into the perfect candidate for the position.
What do you know about the company?
Type a short description of the company's background.
Why do you want to work for this company?
Think of what you can do for them, not of what they can do for you.
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Однако шаблоны mind map предлагают более простой способ начать работу, поскольку они представляют собой рамки, содержащие информацию о конкретном предмете с направляющими инструкциями. По сути, шаблоны mind map обеспечивают структуру, которая объединяет все элементы конкретной темы и служит отправной точкой для вашей личной mind map. Они представляют собой ресурс, обеспечивающий практическое решение для создания карты ума по определенной теме, будь то бизнес или образование.
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