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Examine and analyze the strengths and come up with a growth strategy, which allows you to reach a higher level of market control than you have at present.
Afterwards assess the strengths and compare them against the threats to find a good consolidation strategy that will help integrate all the necessary factors for the smooth running of your business.
Apply the same method with the weaknesses you identified: evaluate them against the opportunities to establish some containment strategies and review them against the threats to find survival strategies such as improving customer satisfaction.
As priorities and market trends change, you can always revisit this mind map template to modify the SWOT elements and brainstorm other strategies.
Where to next?
Now that you have completed your SWOT analysis and strategy, where to next?
Enter your organization name
Type in the organization or area that is the subject of this analysis. You might find it helpful to add the date for reference so that you can review changes at a later date.
Add a growth strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organization'''.
For example, if your product performs well, and new legislation is going to raise questions about your competitor's products, then you could maximize this situation by prioritizing your own product performance.
Add a consolidation strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
For example, if you have recognized specialist knowledge that gives you an advantage, but there is a threat that new technology could decrease your market, then it would make sense to develop the same level of specialist knowledge in new technologies.
Add a containment strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked opportunities.
For example, if there is unmet demand in the market, but you have old and slow production equipment, then you cannot take advantage of this opportunity. A containment strategy would be to improve capacity with newer equipment.
Add a survival strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
For example, if a strong competitor is a threat, and unhappy customers are a weakness, then your customers might simply move to your competitor. A survival strategy would be to work on improving customer satisfaction.
Add an external threat that might negatively impact your organization.
Examples include strong competitors, negative market trends, technologies becoming obsolete, new disruptive technologies.
Rate the importance of this threat:
Add an external opportunity that you could take advantage of.
Examples include social or business trends, fashions, changes in legislation, new technologies, innovations, weak competitors.
Rate the importance of this opportunity by clicking one of the icons below:
Add an internal weakness that is negatively affecting success.
Examples: under-staffing, lack of skills, unreliable or inefficient equipment, unhappy customers, unhappy staff, missed deadlines.
Rate the importance of this weakness by clicking one of the icons below:
Add an internal strength
Examples: good people, skills, location, technology, equipment, specialized knowledge, brand reputation, proven abilities, financial resources, partnerships.
Rate the importance of this strength by clicking one of the icons below:
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